11 Nov 2017

A question about : You are going to win

I hear the scam coming from the consumers association, and it is noted.
However haven't the Readers Digest been using this scam for much longer. My 91 year old aunt just had to buy every single thing on offer from the dreadful people. She has a heap of videos piled up in her room, yet she doesn't even have a recorder.
It is about time these scammers were brought to book!

Best answers:

  • The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) helps you to make sure your telephone number is no longer available to organisations who may telephone you with offers and information you do not wish to receive

    premium rate numbers.ASK your phone provider to stop your phone line from accessing premium rate numbers.
  • The Telephone Preference Service will help protect your aunt against unwanted phone calls:
    TPS Registration
    But if you wish her to stop receiving unwanted mail you can try the Mailing Preference Service:
    MPS online
  • Write to Reader's Digest, Canary Wharf, London FAO company chairman and tell him about your aunt, he can arrange for the items to be returned and for a refund to be paid. I used to work for RDA and answered a lot of letters concerning elderly parents/family members and know that this can be arranged, alternatively write to Readers Digest CSG group at 51 Saffron Road, Leicester. Hope this helps
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