12 Jul 2015

A question about : WTD: Ideas for extra income. My suggestions includ

I tend to stick to other sections of the forum, so please let me know if this is posted often I have had a skim through old posts.

It seems everyone I know seems to have a method of getting extra income. Examples of people I know

- Car Mechanic (Buys broken cars, fixes them makes 50% profilt normally Ј400+ 2 a month

- Signwriting (buy a plotter + materials do 2 VANs a month @ Ј400+ per van)

- Cleaning (patio, bins and cars)

The list goes on, it seems everyone I know can get extra income if they put the work in... I need ideas on what I could do.. I've been thinking for about a year and not come up with anything yet.

- IT skills, (worked on so many software packages can apply skill to almost any software) infact I run a large IT department.

Best answers:

  • Have you thought about the Print industry?
    If you put the time and effort into it print brokering can be quite profitable (depending on where your live!). A little knowledge of print is obviously helpful but by no means essential.
    I know of one print company, which, for a price will supply resellers with a price list and a website which already have a set mark-up on them.
    If this is of any interest to you (or anybody else) let me know and I'll give you further details, I also have a list of printers details as well which I am more than willing to share for free!
    * I do not work for any print company nor will I profit from any of the info I have given above.
  • Data Collection and lead generation.
    I am a marketing manager for a firm of accountants and previously worked in the mortgages industry.
    If anyone can get me a lead for a business that needs an accountant, I will pay them 10% of the first years fees.
    I suspect most accs would offer the same deal.
    Mortgage data
    Specifically Sub-prime and Non-status lending
    I wont explain it here have a look at some of the mortgage mags or google
    Residential leads will typically pay 0.1-0.3%
    on a 100 k mortgage thats 100-200 quid on completion
    Commercial leads can pay .2-.5 .
    thats 250-500 on a 100 k mortgage.
    Remortgages are especially vaualble because its a much more simple process.
    Fairly easy to find a local broker to sell these on to especially if you only get paid when they get paid.
    You would be surprised at what a little knowledge can do in these markets and how often you may be asked about this stuff.
    I`m sure there are a lot of other areas where business leads and data are as valuable.
  • Thank for that post as well....
    Well I'm still on the search and I've thought of a few more
  • DJ (weddings, parties etc)
  • Karoke DJ (easy)
  • Wedding videos
  • Buy a nice car, and be a wedding shofer
  • Be a wedding announcer otherwise called a ...
  • Home repair of PCs
  • Local CAB driver (spend Ј3k on a 8 seater)
  • Paint, decorate basic DIY (requires liability insurance I guess though)
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