19 Sep 2016

A question about : World Spay Day 2015

Nine of the UK’s animal welfare charities* have joined forces to promote World Spay Day to encourage cat owners to have their cats spayed. Spaying protects cats from getting pregnant - this is also known as neutering, fixing or being done.

Around 85 per cent of litters of kittens are unplanned, with many cat owners getting caught out because they did not realise their cats could get pregnant at less than six months of age - while still kittens themselves. In addition, many cat owners believe that female cats should be allowed to have a litter of kittens before they are spayed, but this isn’t true - it’s just an old wive’s tale.

Our advice is simple - have your cat spayed at four months to protect her from getting pregnant.

Male cats should be neutered too, to protect them catching diseases, such as FIV and getting nasty injuries from fighting - a male cat which hasn’t been neutered is much more likely to fight over a female mate. Neutering can also help to stop male cats from spraying indoors - which can be really smelly. He’s also more likely to stay close to home as a neutered male cat is less likely to stray.

You may be able to get help with the cost of having your cat neutered.

World Spay Day is supported by:

The Blue Cross
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
Cats Protection
Celia Hammond Animal Trust
International Cat Care
Mayhew Animal Home
Wood Green Animal Charity

Local spay/neuter help list.


Good to let those you know if their pets need spaying or castrating.

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