24 Mar 2016

A question about : Workplace Pension Scheme staging dates

I have worked for a small independent company (approx 30 employees) for the last ten years. On enquiring when the Workplace Pension Scheme would be introduced, I was told not before October 2015 due to the size of the company. However, my company has just been bought by a much larger company (of over 150 employees) but the new company owners are based in Australia. Does anyone know if this means that my company is now no longer classified as a small company of under 50 employees and the staging date ought to be brought forward? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Best answers:

  • Your employer will stage according to the size of the largest PAYE scheme on 01/04/2012.
    I cant see how a merger would change that unless the merger caused the employer to become a new company in which case they would stage sometime in 2017
  • Jonewer is correct. The size of the business after the 1st Apr 12 is of no relevance. You will AE after Oct 15 depending on whether your business wants to use postponement.
  • Where company A is taken over by company B and B is bigger, if the employees of A transfer to the payroll of B then B's staging date also becomes A's staging date. So, staging dates can change - but only in these circumstances.
    (To be precise, A's payroll disappears so the staging date for A doesn't change - it's simply that the employees then become employed by B, so B's staging date applies to them)
    This does not seem to be the circumstances for the OP, but posted just for completeness.
  • I have a similar scenario but wouldn't it be that the UK employees will stay the UK employees and for these purposes - separate - from the AUS employees. I am in a similar situation where my company is US based and only a few UK employees but the US portion is not taken into account for the staging date and has no bearing.
    my question that I posted in another thread is my company said they are willing to offer the pension now but I cannot seem to find the information on how to do this as I was told by the advice number that I called that they cannot bring the date forward and because they are an intl company, If we arrange a private pension I could be liable for benefit in kind taxes - any help appreciated. My company said they'dd 'do the right thing' but the certainly aren't going to chase after it...
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