22 Jan 2018

A question about : Working temporarily while on JSA

Dear all,

I may be working temporarily for two weeks in January and at the moment i will be on JSA. Will this stop me receiving JSA or can i still work and not loose out on any money?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Best answers:

  • As I understand it you will need to stop claiming and then restart again after your two weeks temp job. As long as it is only a temporary job then I'm told there is a reduced size application form to re-claim. My suggestion would be to talk to your "personal advisor" at the JobCentre and see if it can be classified as a Work Trial or Employment on Trial cos either of those seem to cause less disruption to the system.
    Good luck.
  • Any income you have over Ј5 if you are a single claimant will be taken Ј for Ј off your JSA.
    The above post makes sense - check first, it might not be worth it otherwise!.
  • even if there is a slight hassle with having to sign on again after the 2 weeks you have to consider the benefits of the temp. work itself - you may establish a bit of a "foot in the door" with whoever you are working for that could lead to more permanent work later, for example, and some more experience (however small!) that could help with finding a new job.
  • If the temporary work is for under 16 hours per week then you do not need to sign off, just declare it when you go to sign on. If it is for more than 16 hours then you will have to sign off as advised above and then put in a new claim after the job has finished.
  • Thanks for all your helpful replies.
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