24 Jan 2018

A question about : Wife off work with back problems

My wife who works 15hrs a week has been off work since March 2005 due to severe back problems, for the first 28 weeks she was paid by her employer but this stopped in October.

She went to the benefits office who gave her the incapacity forms which we filled in and returned.

At the start of November she was sent an IB50 questionnaire to fill in and a request for a med4 note which were returned within 3 days.

We heard nothing from DWP so she chased them up before xmas and was told that it had gone to the medical board.

When she chased it up yesterday she was told that it was still not processed and there was a 4 week backlog of claims.

Today she received a letter from jobcentreplus saying that she could now join them for support as she in now getting incapacity benefit, when she contacted them to say she was not aware of any award of benefit she was told to contact DWP.

On contacting DWP she was told that a letter had been sent out on Nov 9th saying she was not entitled to anything due to not having paid a full stamp, we have never received this letter.

Is she entitled to anything?

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