27 Dec 2016

A question about : Why Are Roads Called Roads if Bicycles Can Go On Them?

If bicycles can go on roads then why aren't they called bicycleroads? It makes no sense to just call them roads and then allow bicycles on them.

And the white rectangular stripes that run down the middle? Have you noticed how they are roughly the same shape as a car when viewed from above? That's not a coincidence. That means that roads are for rectangular objects only, like cars and trucks.

Did you know that roads are made of bitumen, which is an oil product? This also makes it clear that, as it consumes oil products to make roads, anything that goes on the roads should also be consuming an oil product. Clearly, as bicycles do not consume oil products in operation, they do not belong on the roads, unlike cars and lorries.

No intelligent counterpoints, please - I shan't respond to those.

Best answers:

  • I drink extra virgin olive oil when cycling, can I use them?
  • The roads are also called Carriageways - ways for cars...
    No bikes allowed!
  • Definitition of road
    wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use
    Definition of vehicle
    a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, lorry, or cart.
    I take that to mean that a bike can use a road, far better than using a path in most circumstances.
    Why don't you sit back and think for a minute, every bike you see is one less car on the road, we would be far more in your way if we individually used cars instead of bikes.
  • Cats eyes !! Poor bast**ds
  • Technically they're highways, so only people with some heft to them and are off their face on narcotics should be allowed to use them.
  • Because ROAD = Route Of Appalling Danger.
  • Appaling or Appealing?
    Why do you need skydiving and freefall etc when a couple of laps of the M25 and trip into the Congestion zone is more dangerous?
  • I will eat you with peanut butter you mother of a son of a mother son mother sun spout waving head nut bag of halva!
    Mad enough for ya?
  • Why are bicycles called bicycles if bears can ride them?
  • They are called Roads, because as marleyboy correctly points out, they were originally built by the Romans, who wanted to go to Rhodes for their holidays. It's a good job that the village of Carp, in Albania, was not their favored vacation resort.
  • What have the Romans ever done for us?.
  • You can travel on trains, and you can travel on coaches.
    So why can't you travel on a learns or a tutors?
  • Bicycles aren't allowed on MOTORways.
  • What about roads that are made of concrete - what sort of vehicle can use these? Something like this perhaps?
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