12 Dec 2017

A question about : Who is your money on ?

I believe it's 30yrs old, but i've never watched it. Not a single episode.
They've just been talking about Eastenders on the radio. Has someone died ? Is this going to like JR and they'll find him having a cup of tea in the cafe ? Anyway there's a live episode this week and you'll find out ......... Who done it.
They're not even telling the actors until the start of the show.
Who is your money on ?

Best answers:

  • Peter
    It will be interesting
  • I actually can't believe that people are betting actual money on this rubbish.
    I weep for humanity.
  • I was convinced it was Jane but now I'm not so sure.
    It might be Dirty Den murdering people from beyond the grave...
  • I too have never watched Eastenders and didn't realise anything in particular was happening.
    Seeing as I don't know any of the characters, nor the plot, my money will not be on anyone
  • ok - so my idea is that she died from an accidental head injury at home, but it was exacerbated by injury she got in Max's office hitting the desk - and there has been a cover-up by Abi, Ben, Jay and Max. They couldn't reveal the truth because .
    There is no 'killer', but there are conspirators
  • The Reverend Green in the kitchen with the lead piping.
  • Max said "she knows you killed Lucy!" so i'd imagine it's something to do with Abbi. Tbh I thought it was her all along as she was the only one who knew Max & Lucy were at it.
  • My money is on LITTLE WILLY
  • Well when Emma worked it out she was looking at the houses so maybe she was thinking how the body was moved. Both Emma and Lauren are really upset about who it is so it could be Bobbi but seems unlikely. One thing for sure is that its someone very close to the family either from Lauren's family or the Beale's. I don't think Ian, Peter, Max or Abi. I think Jane is implicated in some way or maybe Cindy.
    Initially I thought it was Denise but that would not explain Emma or Lauren's distress. I just love whodunnits.
  • Peter.
    It's a twin thing.
  • I have never heard of any of these people!! I shall just save my money I think!
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