26 Dec 2017

A question about : Who would play you in a movie?

That's it for this week, but if you've ever wondered which Hollywood star would play you in a film, check out this (surprisingly accurate) 'who would play you in a movie' quiz.

Insert from Martin: I tried this and it told me “we reckon you'd be played by Brad Pitt in a classic romantic movie. Everyone fancies you.” If only this were true. I expected Zachary Quinto or Tom Hanks at a push (or Louie Spence!).

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Best answers:

  • According to the quiz, I'd be played by:
    Gemma Arterton
    One small problem: Gemma's a lady and I'm, well, a guy, so how does thus quiz work then?
  • Anne Hathaway would play me.
  • Gemma Arterton. Who is she?
  • Christina Hendricks
  • Brad Pitt for me too. Flattering, but I'm a woman.
  • Julia Roberts. I thought they were going to say Kathy Burke, or possibly Timothy Spall.
  • Brad Pitt. Damn, I wanted Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson.
  • Apparently, I'd be played by Daniel Radcliffe - in a Romance!
    Bit surprised, I tried the 'what's your mental age' quiz. That reckons I'm 33 - another exclamation mark.
    Not so bad for a Grandma.........
  • I think Jeff Bridges would do well for me.
  • If I go for the unisex version I get Bradley Cooper but, if female, I get Natalie Portman. I was thinking more Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren.
  • It seems Brad Pitt for me but as I am a woman that would be an interesting film lol!
  • Read 'em and weep, ladies, read 'em and weep......
    I'd be played by Keanu Reeves in a romantic movie.
    I'll be auditioning for one or more leading lady shortly - form an orderly queue!
  • Bradley Cooper would have the honour of playing me...
  • Gemma Arterton...
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