27 Jan 2018

A question about : where do i send budgeting loan form back to

hi, i,ve searched everywhere and cannot find the address to send my budgeting loan to ,can anyone help,i live in gwent..also what is the maximum a single person can be awarded..thankyou

Best answers:

  • I think you can take them into your local JobcentrePlus who then forward it to wherever the Social Fund is administered from. Perhaps give Jobcentre a ring?
  • Hello I had a quick look at the site too, it does say your local jobcentreplus.
    Best wishes
  • This was a relevant question. Social Fund depts are now centralised and there are only a few throughout the country.
    For your info, ALL correspondence the Jobcentre now uses a few specific addresses for all mail to be sent depending on where you are in the country (I should say countries in your case !). All mail then goes to these to be opened and then sent on to the relevant office.
    As an example all letters for numerous offices in this area have to be sent to Preston where they are opened and then sent to the correct office.
    This is supposed to be more efficient but believe me it's not and lots of docs are getting mislaid. I'd suggest you give it a few days then ring your local office for the Social Fund number for your area and give them a ring to make sure they get your claim form.
    The max you can get is based on what they call your "weighting" but in any case loans can't usually exceed Ј1000. They consider you personal circumstances such as size of family, how long you've been on benefits and other outstanding loans.
    They also look at the local budget so it's impossible to give a correct max figure as this changes.
    Just to let you know that in our area they're taking several weeks to process
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