17 Apr 2016

A question about : When will I pay tax on shares?

Hi all,
It's been a while since last posted, but, here goes.

I have cashed some employer shares in in January which obviously will show on 2014/2015 P60.
Now to spread the tax burden, I am going to cash some more in in the next financial year.
I get paid the middle of the month and these shares will be paid via my wages.
My question is, If i cash the next lot of shares in after I get paid in March, then they are too late to be paid in March and would then be paid in April. Would these shares then show on next years (2015/2016) since they were actually paid then? Or will they backdate and show on 2014/2015 since they were cashed within that financial year?
Hope this all makes since and any help given would be very grateful.

Best answers:

  • Tax will be calculated on the date of sale.
  • The gain will be realised in 2014 to 2015 year.
    So will need to be included in your tax return for this year. But not due for payment till Jan 2016
  • You do need to explain what type of share plan the shares are coming from. But the strict answer is that if you crystallise the income tax charge before 6 April 2015 then you should pay tax in 2014/15.
    Some companies will run a "month 13" payroll between the last pay date and 5 April. That way it ties in all their year end reporting together (payroll and share plans).
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