17 Aug 2017

A question about : When are supermarket shelves fullest?

Especially Morrison and Asda. I have the habit of going to the supermarkets on days and times when the stock is low so end up buying other stuff rather than what I originally want. Do you know what days and times you're most guaranteed to find the shelves at their fullest? When do they get deliveries or restock - stack their shelves?

Best answers:

  • Mornings are best as they have been filling the shelves all night, if there is an instore bakery their shelves might need an extra hour for full stock but if you get there at 9am you should get most things.
  • My local Tesco starts stocking about 10pm so if you go in about 1am it is pretty full of things.
    Waitrose near me seems to be best abut 11am.
  • Most big stores fill shelves overnight (so deliveries arrive in the evening ready to go out after 10pm).
    Waitrose and smaller stores fill shelves all day so it would be harder to say.
  • In a big store, generally
    Ambient - first thing
    Produce and fresh - early afternoon
    Counters - mid morning
    Bakery - late morning
  • I know that my local Tesco is best at the weekend, but all branches can't get their deliveries at the same time or they'd have thousands of trucks doing one delivery a week (all on the same day) - they must stagger them. Probably best just to ask in your local stores.
  • From these answers my best bet is anywhere between morning time and early afternoon. I will give it a go, thanks for all your answers.
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