05 Apr 2017

A question about : What to wear over wedding dress?

Can anyone offer any inspiration over what to wear over a wedding dress?

I'm getting married soon in Scotland, and worried in case I'm cold! The dress has thin shoulder straps, so I'll have bare arms and shoulders. I was wondering if I need something to pull on when travelling between the venue and the reception hotel as I do feel the cold.

My Mam has suggested a white crocheted shawl. It was made by my great-Nana when she was expecting me, and has been used to bring various babies home from hospital, but I'm not sure if it's wedding-y!

Any other suggestions would be welcome.

Also can't decide between some satin shoes, or strappy sandles that I can take on honeymoon with me :rolleyes:

Best answers:

  • how about a fake fur stole? You can get them from Ebay pretty cheaply and would keep you nice and warm!!
  • Yes, my friend gets married in Fife in a few weeks and she got a little fur cape from Monsoon.
  • deffo they look fab : ) not sure about the shawl tbh
  • I would go for the wee fur cape. Very romantic looking.
  • have a look here https://www.jacquisbridal.co.uk/shrugs.htm
  • The problem with satin shoes is that if it is damp underfoot they pick up all the mud & rain & transfer it to the hem of your dress. Strappy sandles could be cold though.
  • Satin shoes don't tend to be worn again ~ I would go with strappy sandals
  • A beer jacket!
    I got some white leather shoes, slingbacks, from la redoute. Since seen a very expensive designer pair which are almost identical
  • Any little bolero or stole would look lovely.
    A friend got married last year and wore a long velvet cape which looked AMAZING! Obviously not very Moneysaving but she was very warm and it looked fab in the photos outside, very Scottish Widows (not that you want to be a widow!)
    Hers was bottle green but any colour would be wonderful.
  • Oooh I like the fur wraps/stoles - thanks!
    Will have a proper look later as he can see my screen at the moment :rolleyes:
  • It depends what style/fabric your dress it. You could have a wrap/stole the same fabric as your dress, would cost about 15-20 for your bridal shop to make it. If your dress isn't too big at the bottom then a nice very long fitted jacket with a puddle (again it depends on your dress). A bolero made in the same fabric as your dress/or contrasting colour. Some very nice ones with high necklines. Again, your bridal shop should make it too too high a price.
    Do you have bridesmaids? You could always have something in their fabric made. It will cost less than you think for a bridal sho to make something, and it won't take them too long.
  • Becles - I have a cream fake fur wrap slightly shorter than the ones in the pix, brand new, that you can have if you want, for the price of the postage. PM/email me if you want it. I'm only going to sell it on eBay otherwise.
  • Thank you - that's really kind of you
  • Sadly no pics in this website but they seem to be tartan capes
  • How about a tartan shawl to match the kilts? If you let me know the name of the tartan to be worn I can check a few shops for you.
  • What about a pashmina. You could get say cream to tone with your dress or what ever colour is the theme of the weddding. You could wear it in the car and then hand it over to someone for the service.
    You would also get lots of use out of it afterwards. I have got several in different colours and wear them almost every day, winter or summer. Not all at the same time obviously!!
  • In my line of work I encountered this site today www.fairygodmother.biz the stuff on there is stunning! They do a floor length velvet cloak and you can get it in ivory or more gothy colours
  • a green coat.
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