07 Jan 2016

A question about : Welcome Newbies and Lurkers

The Bankruptcy Board is about people who've gone Bankrupt (BR for short) helping out people who are thinking of doing it but don't know where to start and need guidance.

Many of the people who post on here already have a huge wealth of knowledge on the subject and are only too willing to help guide you along based on their own experiences.

If you feel you can do with their help please do start your own discussion/post your question on the board, then post your link to it in here once you have the link posting ability so regulars reading this who may not have spotted it know you're asking for help.

As happens on many forums and social networking sites, you may sometimes see a post that doesn't seem in keeping with the friendly forum we try to make this. Sometimes it's just someone having an off day, sometimes it's what's called trolling.

If you do see a post you feel the Forum Team should be aware of, just report it by clicking the Report button, then ignore it. Don't reply back as that gives the Forum Team more work and delays any action while they work out what's going on.

Now I'll let the good people of the bankruptcy board take over.

Good luck and take care

Andrea title=Smile

Best answers:

  • Thanks.
    Newbies: Please don't hesitate to post.
    If you need to, you can click here to post on this thread: -->
    Or here to start a new thread on the main board: -->
  • Just a little welcome from me
    I am not about a lot but have gone through Bankruptcy myself (very recently) so am not an enormous amount of help with that...but I have a degree in Psychology, was a foster carer and have qualifications in Life Coaching and Counselling...and worked in Social Work for years, working with challenging young adults - so some knowledge in Housing, homelessness, benefits and family mediation...
    If I can be of any help to anyone...and if you don't want to post in public, please do Private message me and I will do what I can to offer support and advice...
    To PM...just click on my name and it will open my profile...there you will see the option to send a private message...
  • hi there
    A welcome from me too
    I went through bankruptcy just over a year ago so understand what you are going through right now. I tend to check on the board most days. Please feel free to post, or if you can't face it then please PM me.
    It can be daunting making that first post, wondering if anyone will reply! There are plenty of friendly and helpful people on here who have either been through it or are going through it right now, so you will receive plenty of support and understanding.
    Be brave, make that post x
  • Lovely seeing you back Confuzzed people need the great advice and support you have to offer.
  • I was a bankrupt about 18 months ago and lost my home in the process. I've helped many on MSE in the past and want to continue to do so.
    Bankruptcy is a soul destroying process but the ones here that have been through it can prop you up emotionally and provide solid advice for those next steps. Knowledge about the process really does help you cope with it.. as it's fear of the unknown that is the most distressing.
    I have gained so much knowledge and support from being here in the past It really can be a friendly support group.
  • Another hello from me as well!
    I don't get on here as much as I used to but just a quick outline of my situation, my husband and I went BR just over a year ago and were fortunate to get ED in June.
    I try and help out and give advice where I can, this board was a godsend to me when we were going through the process, the advice and friendship offered here is truly fantastic.
  • hello, hello, hello....I am a new BR, since Nov this year, and I have found the advice, support and good wishes essential in my route forward. Everyone is new at some time, so don't be shy!!
  • Also if your question gets missed and disapears down the page please don't hesitate to 'bump' it up to the top again until someone comes up with an answer.
  • Something has justs hit home in two days time I will have been AD for one whole month never thought I would get there but I did with the help of my friends on here
  • Hello All, I am new too...however I have had some great advice so far xx
  • I've been around a short while but this forum is an absolute godsend. There are some very wise people and everyone is happy to listen to you even when ranting!
  • Thanks Andrea....lets hope this is an end to this sillyness & this board can get back on track.
    I have a feeling that the debt boards are set to get even busier soon with predictions in 2011 indicating that it will be a very bad year for personal finances ....redundancy is rife & benefits are being cut ...personally I wonder how people manage with so much debt.
    Worrying times & I remember them well....but as Martin says there is no debt crisis that cannot be solved.
    Before I joined this site someone sent me Martins video on debt problems....it changed my life & empowered me to deal with my debt. So I am posting this for all newbies & regulars alike....
  • I've been on here for a while now -I'm not bankrupt or planning to go bankrupt but I know how scary people find dealing with debt - 99% of people on here are lovely and will try and help out - sometimes people post things meant with the best intentions but that are hard to hear and sometimes, just sometimes you get nasty/ignorant people - do not let such people put you off.
    There is lots of help and suport so just ignore the idiots.
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