15 May 2019

A question about : Weight Loss the Old Style Way! Part 9. Please read posts 1 and 2 before posting.

Hello, everyone I've been asked, ever so nicely, so shiny new thread for you all


As some of you know there's been some discussion lately on how to accomodate weight loss diets on the board. It was decided that the daily isn't the place for campaigns of any sort and that there was a very good weight loss thread on the I wanna board which would offer excellent support to anyone wishing to join.

The board guides have talked about this and we'd like to accomodate a weight loss campaign the OLD STYLE way here. However, in order for it to fit with the board, it should be about scratch cooking and healthy eating, NOT about where to get low calorie/fat ready meals cheaply or fad diets.

So, here it is. The Lose Weight the Old Style Way thread. This thread is for support in losing weight but in order to keep it true to the board - which is about money saving the old style way, there are going to be some posting guidelines.

Important. Please read:

The thread should be about healthy, Old Style eating. That means recipes and meal plans, support and encouragement and healthy eating. What shouldn't be accomodated here is if the thread goes off topic and covers ready meals, fad diets and weight loss clubs. There is a good thread that covers all that on the 'I wanna' board. So if the thread becomes an extention of that, we will have to close it and ask people to join in there instead.

Enjoy, and good luck

Best answers:

  • For those who are interested, Old Style Weight Loss Part 8 is here
    Useful Links For Old Style Weight Loss
    MSE links
    OldStyle Healthy recipes threads
    Menu Plans Collection
    Outside Links
    Free food/calorie tracking
    My Fitness Pal (iphone and android apps as well as online)
    The rest on google
    Free printable food diary
    Printable portion guide
    NHS healthy eating website
    BMI calculator
  • Ooh, lovely new thread, I have been eagerly waiting to start this challenge again as I did quite well with it this time last year but then fell off the wagon due to some health issues, however all is now good and I need to shift this weight. Is it running till Easter? I need to weigh myself at weekend then return with an achievable target
  • 2015 is going to me the year I lose weight and get fit. I've let myself go over the past few years. I am going to get on it with the help of you guys on here.
    The MSE Boards have been a help in the past with getting me out of debt and back on track. would you mind if I join up too?
  • Hi Knit Witch
    I'd like to rejoin if that's ok. I left the last challenge when my scales broke, rejoined when I thought I'd fixed them, then they gave up and so did I. I now have new scales bought in the sale for half price. So I would like to rejoin. Are we having a new challenge? If so I'll weigh myself on New Year's Day, that will give me a starting point.
    Many thanks for the new thread.
  • Hello! I am not sure how this works but I'd like to lose a pound a week this year and could use some help and encouragement I'm mainly planning to eat lots of home made stuff with a strong emphasis on padding with veggies!
  • Lovely new thread, good . Hi to all regulars, returners and newbies
    BrassicWoman if you read the first couple of posts you'll see how it works, but basically KW lets us know when the next challenge starts and ends, usually about a 13-week period, and we weigh in once at week and let her know, in red so it's easy for her find, if we've had a loss, gain or sts (stay the same). Then she posts the results every week so we can see how we've done. Some like me list their daily menu although sometimes it's not always possible if eating out etc. It helps me keep an eye on what I'm eating.
    B - spicy fruity porridge
    L - hm baton with Brie and cranberry sauce.
    D - chilli and jacket
    S - 4 fresh dates and a fresh fig brought over by a friend from Saudi
    B - hm wm and honey
    L - boiled egg and soldiers
    D - venison steak, sprout tops and kale
    S - as yesterday, eking them out carefully so they last me a week which is about their shelf life
    E - 6x5 mins on tm. Determined to lose the !!lb's I've put on over Christmas
    Stay warm, sweet dreams
  • Okay the next challenge starts on the 3rd of January and will run for 12 weeks!
  • I'm in please although have a broken ankle so not going to be full steam on exercise etc for a while I can defo sort out my eating habits. I am ashamed to say I have about 7 stone to lose to be in a healthy bmi!
    Start with the first step and continue!!
  • Wow, this site is just what I need I roughly need to lose 1 1/2 stone, managed to lose 1 stone, but it just came straight back to me
    I want to lose this for my 40th (middle of July) so hopefully this is manageable (fingers crossed).
    Definitely count me in please.
  • Yes please Knit Witch
  • Please could you put me down for 12lb Knit Witch.
  • Oh sorry, err, put me down for 10lb please
  • could you put me down for 12lbs please
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