02 Oct 2016

A question about : WATERPROOF/SPLASHPROOF walking sandals/shoes (closed-toe) FOR BEACH

I am looking for some waterproof (or at least splashproof) closed-toe walking sandals/shoes to wear on & near the beach. The problem is, I am not sure what terms/features I should be looking for, to get the correct product! Any ideas what the search criteria should be?

I know what they should look like, as I have seen other people wearing them out & about; they look half like a sandal (due to the aeration gaps in the sides) and half like a shoe (due to their closed toe)! An idea of the kind of thing I am looking for is in the following photo:

but I do not know what the material/tech spec/etc. needs to be. It's amazing how many online ads don't cite the full spec. of their product! title=Frown

I'm looking for a trail shoe, for tracking about on the beach. These will be used primarily for walking (traipsing on the sea-front/shore/clifftop) BUT they also need to be able to survive - as in, NOT rot away from sea water! title=Embarrassment - when they get splashed or if they end in the water occasionally (e.g. if I slip & fall on a rock pool! title=Wink ). So possibly the spec. would be more like splashproof (or occasionally submersible) rather than fully submersible?

I do not want walking boots but a kind of shoe. And I want closed-toe shoes/sandals, not open ones, as they're better for preventing jabbed toes! Plus they can be worn in winter as well as summer.

I have a pair of Clarks sandals that look similar to what I need (although they're not closed-toe); but I think they would be unsubmersible as they have a soft lining (?nubuck) for the base of the foot - i.e. this insole/lining is not made of a clearly waterproof plastic or rubber. So I'm not willing to risk them in (sea) water as they're quality sandals.

I'm looking - needless to say! title=Smile - for a reasonably priced item, as this is just for casual walking, nothing serious.

Any ideas re good products, & what the search criteria should be?

Best answers:

  • sports direct or look at 'hotukdeals' - always got stuff like this on it...hope this helps
  • I have a pair of Keens that have given me good service for the last 5 years. Closed toes, can get wet and give good grip on slippery surfaces. Apparently the soles are anti-bacterial treated so they don't smell, but there is probably a limit to the lifespan of that aspect that mine have long since exceeded as they now have a bit of a whiff to them.
  • I'd second SquirrelSmall. I have two paris of Keen sandals - both with closed toes.
    I have been wearing them for the last 5 years on holidays and at home during the warmer weather.
    Good grip, washable (chuck them in the machine), you can get them into the sea without damage and the closed toes stop stones getting in under your feet.
    They are a bit more expensive than many makes - but, as usual, you get what you pay for.
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