24 Jan 2017

A question about : Water damaged windows

Any advice appreciated...

In February during the snow the water pipe in my external garage burst. Not going out there too often, I didn't notice for about a week, during which time (according to my water bill) 40,000 litres of water poured through my ceiling and walls.

Chemdry came round at the behest of our insurance company. After disposing of most of the contents I discussed with them that two of the wooden double glazed units suddenly had condensation in them. They agreed it was no doubt due to the flood and advised me to discuss with the insurance company.

When I did, they immediately denied it was anything to do with the flood. I eventually got them to get the builders repairing the garage to have a look at it. They said it was unrelated as the window was in a different area to the flood. When I eventually got them to admit that the window was at the epicentre of the flood, they said that it was damaged but couldn't tell me what caused it.

The insurance company thought this enough to deny the claim. After much hassle from myself, a double glazing company was appointed to come and have a look. They said it's damaged but they couldn't say what caused it...

The insurance company say that as there is no obvious damage other than the misted windows, they are not paying. I myself feel that damage would not be as evident some 7 months later after the garage has been professionally dried and redecorated, however, my question is-

Could the seals on a wooden double glazed unit fail after the unit had water poured over it for a week during which the temperature fell to below freezing at night, (with no obvious damage after redecoration and professional drying)?

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