11 Jul 2016

A question about : Water costs

Changed both gas and electric, use 18866 for phone. Can you get cheaper water?


Best answers:

  • Al
    The water industry has not been deregulated so you have to go with the supplier in your area unless you are lucky enough to have a well and a cess pit!
    If you are already on a meter then check if you are on the correct tariff (ie. low user tariff if applicable ) Then its just a case of being water-wise. The less you use, the cheaper your bill.
    If you aren't metered then it may be worth looking into. Single occupiers would almost certainly benefit as would most couples. Once you get to 3+ occupants more careful deliberation is required but don't write meters off even if you have got a family!
    There are some great threads on this forum regarding this whole issue.
    Chick x
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