26 Sep 2016

A question about : Wainwright's Dog Food


I posted earlier asking about changing my dog's diet to a BARF diet to try and improve his skin.

I have been on the Pets at Home website and seen Wainwright's dog food which is specifically formulated to be gentle on dogs digestion by excluding ingredients that commonly cause allergies.

It is Ј36.99 for 15kg and I was wondering if anyone has tried or is currently feeding their dog this food and if it has helped to improve their dog's skin?

Thanks x

Best answers:

  • I used it for my very allergic rottie, its a good food. I also used Autarky, james wellbeloved and burns, they all worked great but King prefers James wellbeloved.
  • I used to feed Ben this as he was wheat intolerant. It's a great food and his tummy was absolutely fine on it. His coat was lovely too.
    What flavour would you be feeding?
    Reason for asking - if it's the Duck & Rice, then Skinners is practically the same & only Ј24.50 for 15kg or around Ј21 online https://www.skinnerspetfoods.co.uk/pr...s/duck---rice/
    Skinners also do Salmon & Rice and Turkey & Rice in their Hypoallergenic ranges which are also cheaper than the Wainwrights at around Ј28 / 15kg.
  • My springer spaniel has Wainwrights salmon and potato, he has a very sensitive stomach but he is fine on this and he is actually putting on weight now which is fab.
  • What's best can depend on your dog. I give him Fish4Dogs food and one boiled egg daily in morning .
  • Mine used to have Wainwrights (both the dry and the wet food), they loved it, their coats were fine, teeth ok etc. I've had to stop feeding them it now though as my big lad got liver problems at xmas and the wainwrights dry has a very high copper content.
  • Wainwrights (trays rather than kibble) was my food of choice before switching to a raw diet. It's very good value for the quality and my dogs loved it. However, I found that nothing compares to BARF when it comes to improving skin/coat/general condition
  • I was also going to suggest skinners, mine have been on CSJ for years but my girl's old allergies are starting to come back and her skin is flaring up badly (happened with all other foods except CSJ previously)
    I picked up a 2.5kg bag of skinners duck and rice a few days ago and am gradually changing them over, so far so good. It was more expensive to get the 2.5kg (Ј5.99) than the 15kg bags (Ј21-Ј26) but I wanted just a small amount to try her on before wasting too much if she reacts.
    I have never used wainwrights dry food but always stock up on their trays and mine get a little bit of the wet mixed in with their dry a few times a week to keep it more palatable.
  • My two Yorkies are very fussy eaters and do not seem keen on dry food so I have had to purchase Wainwrights (trays) and mix it with their James Wellbeloved dry, now they eat it much better. I think once the dry has gone, I will just feed them on Wainwrights wet as they seem to enjoy it - only problem is getting those trays open without using a knife!
  • IMO you need to know exactly what the issue is with the skin before you select a food. If the dog has an issue processing grains or is allergic to a particular protein source (meat or cereal) you would obviously want to exclude these. But if the issue is primarily inflammatory switching to high glycaemic index carbs like potato or white rice could worsen the problem because these behave like sugar in the body. Is your dog currently getting plenty of long chain omega-3s? These are anti-inflammatory, calm inappropriate immune responses, proven beneficial in many common skin disorders and certain allergies.
  • Ours are on it (usually the Salmon and Potato) and seem to be doing well on it.
  • I feed TOTW to all three of my dogs and have found bags of food unneffected by the recall just fine,Foods with grain in them make their eyes run.
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