05 Jul 2019

A question about : Voluntary Early Release-Civil Service

I'm sure I heard/read somewhere that there is to be another round of VERS for civil servants, but not sure which department this refers to. Anyone heard that the MOD is planning another round any time soon please? Thanks.

Best answers:

  • Currently HMRC are starting yet another early release scheme for staff. Hard to believe a government department that does not have enough staff (or has the stomach) to go chasing after rich tax avoiders & their dodgy bank chums are letting more skilled and experienced people go. You couldn't make it up .
  • Anyone heard anything please? Thanks.
  • Have you asked your colleagues, HR dept. or managers?
    The government has made it perfectly clear, throughout their term in power, what they intend to do with the civil service (decimate it). I'm not sure what you want to hear - 'Don't worry, your job is safe'? Sorry, it isn't.
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