20 Dec 2015

A question about : Uk debt collector for Cyprus debt

Hi all,

Wondered if anyone could help. I have a debt from Cyprus which is being pursued by a uk debt collector.
I have not responded as I was advised that they could not pursue me in the uk and it was just posturing. But, they have now stated that they are starting litigation against me without further reference to me.

Can they do this. Please advise as this will ruin my credit rating.



Best answers:

  • Debt collection companies will threaten you with everything under the sun but won't usually do anything other than call and send letters. Had this in the past with an alleged debt that they could not provide proof existed. They said they would start court proceeding without further notice. Had several more letters after that, phone calls late at night. Blocked their phone number on the landline and my mobile. Couple of more letters arrived after that and not heard a peep since March.
  • Hmmm. As I thought. I'll hang fire and see what happens. Thanks a lot.
  • Is the debt from South or North Cyprus ?
  • Hi ttoli, The debt is from the South.
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