25 Jul 2016

A question about : Tipping

Have done in the past, not so much now. Most of the time I wont.

Last time I tipped was 5% in a michelin starred restaurant. Not because service was bad, it was excellent, just that i thought any more was excessive.

If i went to a country where it was the culture to tip then I would but here in blightly is seems certain jobs traditionally get it and other jobs don't.

My reason behind not tipping is that I use a service/business, i expect that business to pay it's employees properly. They shouldn't have to rely on handouts from customers that have already paid once!

So do you? why or why not? and where was the last place you left one?

Best answers:

  • Depend how flush I am. Generally speaking I am a big tipper Ј5 Ј10 Ј20 or more for a meal/taxi when flush.
    Otherwise Ј0 50p Ј1 Ј1.50 tip
    Last tip was on total bill of Ј30 Indian meal tipped Ј2.
    I did tip Ј5 (handed Ј15) by mistake to Indian takeaway home delivery as thought was Ј14 and was only Ј10!! The guy was very friendly/prob thought I was loaded!
  • I tip two places
    The Japanese restaurant as their service is amazing, and they are incredibly polite, and my hairdresser, as my appointments are always last minute and they have to make room for me!
    I hasten to add that I go to the restaurant twice a year, not every week!
  • i tip if I've had good service and not if I haven't
  • I always tip, but not if the service was bad,but then I was a taxi driver for 22 years so I guess it a habit.
  • Interesting question - we've just come back from a lovely holiday in a most wonderful hotel where a 10% service charge, and 10% municipality tax was already added to the cost. The service was exceptional but we didn't tip anyone in the hotel. Taxi drivers we did tip although generally we didn't see any tipping taking place.
    I do tip normally, but unusually also give my local garage mechanics a little extra (not a big dealership) as they are really great and go out of their way to do little jobs for nothing - tyres being checked, lights etc. As I travel an awful lot for work my argument is that if I tip the hairdresser or the waiter for making me look good (?) or get fatter (?) then I should reward the people who help keep me safe on the road. Think the boss buys rounds of bacon butties! I actually really appreciate them and their work.
  • I tip for two things:
    Meals Out... 5% for rubbish service or an expensive meal, 10% for good service! Hence why I eat out only 1/2 times a year!
    Hairdressers... if they do very well... but then again I have it cut 1/2 times a year too!!!!
    I resent going out for a meal where they charge Ј50 for two people for very little and then you have to pay a tip on top!! I have been known not to tip for really bad service!
    If I want to eat out I normally buy it to eat at home... much cheaper that way
  • I didn't used to tip - same reasons as above - didn't like that they had a wage and tip.
    But - I took a waitressing job in April and now I tip because I get tips - Its just polite really a gesture to say thanks for a job well done - in other jobs I think you get more job satisfaction instead of thanks
    Some people will tip Ј3 some of our bigger tables e.g. 40 people will tip Ј100 we don't mind
    I do tip the hairdresser too but only if they have done a good job
  • I tip roughly 10% in restaurants - I was very cross recently when I went to one for my mum's birthday, and I was the only person who put a tip in. I also tip my hairdressers as they are really cheap, but do a great job.
    I tip taxi drivers if work are paying but not usually otherwise.
  • I don't tip if there's already a service charge added on as that IS the tip. I will tip up to 10% otherwise, depending on the service. I don't tip if I think the meal or whatever wasn't worth the money, or if the staff member is surly or inefficient. I have on extremely rare occassions tipped more for memorable above the call of duty service, that's enhanced my meal or whatever in an unexpected way.
    I do budget for a tip though when I'm going somewhere it's normal to tip. I don't think of it as an "extra", it's part of the cost of going out normally.
  • I tip for good, pleasant service - NOT for surly or poor service.
    I don't drive, but I do a month's shopping (around Ј100 including whoopsies!) in one go at the supermarket and come home in a taxi. If the driver helps me with all the bags, then they get a decent tip.
  • I hate tipping, I'm embarrassed and feel inept at the whole thing which is probably why I am an overtipper Always have been, probably always will be. At least 10%, usually more, depending on the bill. I tip "round" amounts. So my hairdresser who charges Ј35 gets Ј5 cash tip. A meal out that came in at say Ј67 odd for four people would get rounded to Ј75 if paying cash, or else if paying the main bill on credit card, I'd leave a Ј10 cash tip. I don't tip on a card, as I believe most staff don't get to see the tip when it goes through the books like that. I don't plan to tip if there's a service charge unless the service has been exceptional, but I do sometimes forget to check if service is included On the plus side, at least it doesn't shock me too much when on holiday in USA where 15-20% is the norm
  • Why is it that it's waitresses/waiters, taxi drivers and hair dressers that get tipped... why not other trades?
    People argue on the low paid basis of waitressing... but who tips the saturday girl on minimum wage in the supermarket, that is friendly and polite and helps you pack your shopping, or the young lad who hand washes the car, or the shop worker who folds your clothes nicely or helps you to find what your looking for?
  • I don't agree with the concept of tipping at all. If a gratuity is expected, it indicates to me that the business isn't paying the staff enough: on that basis I choose not to use that service. Professionals never get their begging bowls out for money.
  • Well I am going to sound really mean because I don't tip. I think the staff (Waiters, Waitresses or Hairdressers) are getting paid their wage for doing that job so why should I tip them more. Some people will say tip them because they are low paid - well my answer is get more qualifications and a better paying job then. And yes I have done waitressing and no I don't belive it's a skilled job that is why they only pay them minimum wage because anyone can do it. SORRY!!
  • I don't tip if it has been the service was poor but tip well if I think they have gone the extra mile. I used waitressed for years and it is thankless. I don't think they deserve it if they are just going through the motions but if they have worked hard and gone out of their way to make your experience more enjoyable then they it's nice to show your appreciation.
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