08 Jun 2015

A question about : Textbroker

Ok, so i have recommended Textbroker to a few people asking about making extra money, and have found myself typing out the same things, so i thought i would start a thread i can reference in future.

1st i would like to make it clear i am now mainly a textbroker customer (eg i buy content from them, not write it) but i do have an author account and have tried the system from both sides, so am confident it is a good opportunity for those that can write.

1 What is it?
Textbroker (uk site: https://www.textbroker.co.uk ) is a website where people can order custom articles and written content (eg for their websites, newsletters, sales pages and any other sort of written content). The website takes a fee from the customers, keeps a % and pays the remainder to their authors to write the content.

2 How can i make money from it?
You can sign up as an author, take a test to determine the quality of your writing (this can be reassessed as you improve), then accept paid jobs from the jobs pool. Provided you follow the description and the client is happy with the job, your account will be credited, and you will get paid via paypal at the end of the week.

Pay level depends on writing quality. You can except jobs up to your quality level, you can except lower quality jobs, but will be paid that lower rate for those jobs.
A top quality author can make around Ј15 for one 500 word article, a medium quality author can make around Ј3.50 for the same. You can also set your own rates if you get a client that likes your work - See here for pay rates:


3 This sounds a bit like a work at home scam i encountered before
Its not. There are no fees what so ever for an author. This format is familiar for many freelancers in many professions, the scams are copying this format (with inevitable joining fees and inflated earnings promises).

4 Whats in it for textbroker?
About 30% of the clients money. They are a marketplace and they take a cut, just like eBay, Amazon and many others.

5 What if they shut owning me money?
They have been around since 2007 (US site, UK is a bit newer, but the same company) and dont look likely to go under anytime soon. They pay weekly, and the minimum payout is around Ј8, so you can cash out every week if you do a few articles.

6. How many jobs are their available?
This changes a lot. The higher quality score you can acheive, the more work will be available, but there is a decent supply of work, and its free to use, so a slow week isnt the end of the world.

7. Do i need to pay tax etc
Yes, you will need to register as self employed. Textbroker do not handle any of that, they just pay into your paypal account. This is beyond the scope of this thread, but there is plenty of info on MSE about it.

Any other questions, just ask.
Or sign up and post your feedback.

If you are currently doing surveys and writing reviews for a few pence worth of vouchers, give it a go.

Best answers:

  • I think I'm going to sign up for this later tonight, I'll report back on what I think
  • bookmarking this and prob give it a try too
  • Textbroker writers should be aware of the terms, and understand what this means. Buyers of your work are told:
  • Are you sure you mean textbroker? They don't normally ask for answers, just articles.
  • I have written quite a lot for iWriter in the past but the supply of articles to write has dried up there due to the huge number of writers signing up for work so I may give textbroker a try.
  • Been validated and awarded 3* rating, what do I do now? It tells me there's no assignments available in any of the categories up there. I'm looking at team assignments now though; I'm presuming that when they get enough authors in a team they send an assignment out to everyone?
  • well, I've just registered and submitted my sample writing so I'll have to wait and see..Looks like there's nothing to lose by trying anyway!
  • I had an email this morning, I have been rated as 3, had a look at the jobs, only one that came up that I wasn't qualified for knowledge wise, but that's ok.
    Obviously need to keep checking to see what work comes in..
  • I signed up for this a few days ago and my application was accepted by the next morning, so they get points for speed! I'm on three stars. However, every time I've checked the available orders, there's been no two or three star ones available, only four or five. Do you know if there's any particular time that jobs seem to go up?
  • I signed up on Wednesday and managed to get rated 4*. I've no idea who's marking me or how difficult it is, but I'm enormously chuffed anyway.
    I don't have time to look at it today but there seem to be a few jobs at that rating, so fingers crossed I'll be able to get a bit of time at it over the weekend and see if it's worth persevering with. Thanks for the OP.
  • What happens if you write an article and the buyer doesn't like it, doesn't think it's good enough, or thinks it's absolute garbage ? Do you still get paid ?
  • Ive joined and Im a 4* and im extremely chuffed too as I had no clue what to write for my sample so ended up describing my local chinese! haha anyway onwards and upwards
  • Are they open weekends? I submitted mine late afternoon yesterday so don't know if there's point hoping to hear back today, or whether I'll be waiting til Monday at the earliest...
  • I'm going to have a go at this on Monday when I have more time.
  • I've used textbroker before and had some good results, it may also be worth having a look at the 'people per hour' website - if you build up a decent profile you could make some decent cash
  • Can you improve your rating without getting any assignments?
  • I signed up for this a while ago too - mainly as a customer but I have also done a little bit of writing. The one thing I would advise is to make your sample submission as good as you can possibly make it.
    I got in at 3 stars and have only managed to write 3 articles so far - they do seem to be few and far between at this level and, while one of my accepted articles has been rated as 4 stars I'm still stuck on level 3, presumably until I've written more. So, it looks like the higher you rate the more work you'll get.
  • I signed up for textbroker and have got as far as having an assignment accepted. I've been awarded a 4* rating but anything less is meaningless if there are little or no assignments being offered. Perhaps it's a case of a little flattery going a long way. I just hope it's not flattery to deceive.
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