06 Sep 2016

A question about : term time holidays

I think it is unfair not to allow us to take our kids away for just 1 week during the shcool year. A lot of people can't afford holidays as they are so much dearer during the shcool holidays. As long as the child has a good attendence record I don't see the harm. Please can you sign this petition if you agree and remenber to click the link they send you to confirm it.

Best answers:

  • Why is it the schools which are at the brunt of this and not the holiday companies who double/triple prices for a 1 day difference in the booking date?
  • I cannot sign something I disagree on. I think I will wait for the "Allow my children to truant" petition to come along.
  • You ARE allowed.
    It just costs you a fine .......which sometimes is worth paying as the saving on term time holidays can be substantial -othertimes it isn't.
    No-one is forcing you not to take the fine option -just like no-one is dictating where you holiday be it Butlins or Barbados.
    The fine is just part of the holiday cost.....like insurance or airport parking.
  • OP, you will be doing your children more of a favour by letting them get all the education they can, rather than taking them on holiday.
    If you can't afford the price of the holiday you want during the school holidays, perhaps you could go every second or third year. Holidays are a luxury, not a necessity.
  • I am a parent of a child still attending school. Just this summer we had to attend a wedding in a remote town in India which we couldn't miss, due to it being family. The wedding was just 2 days before school start. It was a struggle to get back on time, but we organised everything perfectly to get to the airport and back to UK on time for school. It was very expensive, tiring on our return journey, but well worth it. DD did learn so much more of the language and culture while on holiday, but you do not have to miss school for that. We may not be able to afford this luxury next time, but will not agree with missing schools unless it is emergency or genuinely sick.
  • I don't agree with taking children out of school for term time holidays. I think you sign up for x number of years of expensive (or less extravagant) holidays when you have children. We have adjusted our holiday pklans accordingly now we have two children in school.
  • What kind of cushy jobs do you all have where you can get leave at peak times like school hols?
    So many parents don't have this luxury.
    The system stinks. As it stands, head teachers can still 'authorise' leave but only if he or she likes you.
  • While I enjoy spending time with my friends children and have sometimes gone on holiday with them, I also like to enjoy a peaceful week or 2 on holiday without children running around, parents yelling at them, 'bombing' in the pool, crying, screaming, arguing etc so I book my holiday for when its term time. yes, there is the occasional child there covering all the above but if I wanted to hear it in stereo I would book during the school holidays.
    Parents know before they have children that holiday companies increase the costs for peak times yet some seem to act really surprised they get charged more! Some parents even find its acceptable to say to some 'if you want a child free holiday you should pay extra and go with an adult only company'.
    Erm no - you should set your child an example that you should follow rules of authority.
    Another option is to save and go every other year or find cheaper holidays.
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