20 Apr 2016

A question about : tax rebate if moving abroad?


I am moving to France to live in September for a few years and wondered if when I leave my job in the Uk
will I be entitled to any tax rebate?

Any advice would be most helpful,


Best answers:

  • Quite possibly, but it depends on your personal circumstances.
    You need to contact your Tax Office. If you don't know the details of your Tax Office, phone your local Tax Office (see your phone book/yellow pages) with your national insurance number to hand. They may be able to help you, or if not, will give you the details of the correct Office to contact.
    If you are going abroad permanently, you will definitely have to complete some forms if you are currently a UK taxpayer. The form P85 for instance:-
    The sooner you get in touch with the Tax Office, the better.
    This leaflet should give you more information:-
    Enjoy yourself in France. I hope it goes well for you.
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