07 Sep 2016

A question about : Tantrum help

My lovely 3 year old has started having huge screaming, hitting tantrums. I'm trying to come up with ideas to cope with this and wondered what others do?

Best answers:

  • Literally nothing. No eye contact, no interaction, move away if possible, if you need to hold onto them, just turn your body away.
    At the start, tantrums lasted a good few minutes but when mine realised they would get nothing- nothing from me until they had finished behaving in that way, they soon didn't bother.
    I have been known to walk from the playground with my child dragging behind me because I totally carry on as normal and she was trying the 'throwing herself down phase.'
    Toddlers want 100% of your attention 100% of the time! If you ignore the behaviour, they soon give up! Good luck!
  • with my big one i got down a threw a tantrum he stopped looked at me for a few seconds and then has never had another one
    with my daughter the me doing it didnt work but the ignoring did
    with the hitting i would move them away from what they were doing sit them down and say 'we do not hit' and then ignore give them a minute or 2 get them to repeat the phrase and say sorry with a cuddle
  • Maybe out of the park, but are we 100% certain there's no medical reason? An ear infection can turn a sweetie in a full-throttle hellion with nothing easy to see.
    Likewise has anyone said "so when are you getting a little brother or sister then?" - three yos are *not* rational human beings.
    Other than that +1 on ignoring noise & being consistently against hitting. Same technique for both parents & all caregivers, relations etc.
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