25 May 2017

A question about : Tandem Skydive for small local chairty in Norfolk

Hello there,

I notice there are lots of people on here mentioning NSPCC and many other larger charities.

I work for a small child bereavement charity based in Norfolk. We work with children that may have lost a parent, sibling or other significant person in their life. A lot of the children will have experienced a violent and sudden death e.g car accident, murder, suicide etc whilst others will have lost people to illnesses such as cancer.

Our income last year was Ј65,000 and this is equal to our expenditure. We were unsure as to whether we would exist next year due to lack of funding. However, BBC Children In Need saved our bacon last week and have given us a grant which will tide us over for the next three years yippe! Although this still means we are operational we will still be operating on a shoe string budget.

In order for us to help more of the 280 children (we are currently only able to help up to 50 children and young people) that are bereaved in Norfolk each year we need to raise more money. So I am organising a tandem skydive to take place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th July at Old Buckenham in Norfolk.

I am taking part and have a number of other people doing so including representatives from local businesses. If you are in Norfolk or near the county and would like to take part visit www.ukparachuting.co.uk click on the charities button and look out for Nelson's Journey. You can get more info regarding the charity here and you can also book your jump.

I have a feeling I will be looking slightly green or like this title=EEK! at the end but it will be worth it!!

Thanks for reading.


Registered Charity No. 1065775
Website: www.nelsonsjourney.org.uk

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