25 Feb 2017

A question about : Suggestions for redundant water butt

I had a problem with a water butt - it leaked though couldn't work out how, or where?
It was a final top-up butt that I used when the drain-pipe fed ones were full. But after putting in several feet of water, the next day - all gone - except for a small puddle at the bottom i.e. below the tap!
It has been replaced by a new one from Wilkinson - I like the way the tap just screwed in from the outside.

However, what to do with the old one?

Idea so far, is the cut it in half.
The top half becomes a shelter for the cat - if caught out in the rain!
The bottom part can become a garden tub - though it may take a bit of filling! A Jasmine has possibilities - to train over the side of the garage
Any other suggestions of what to put in it? I've already got two apple trees in the garden.

Best answers:

  • Wormery ?
  • Potato tub as long as drainage, ?
  • A strawberry tower?
  • Compost barrel?
    (making this obviously cost *5 the price of buying one...)
  • Grow potatoes in it or use it to force rhubarb.
  • Attach a sink plunger, put it over your head and frighten the local children by shouting "EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE" whilst shuffling around.
    Or take it to the tip.
  • Use as temporary small pool ?
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