11 Nov 2016

A question about : Suggestion for people on morphine-based medication

Hi, this is a HTH post. Anybody on morphine-based medication will know that long term side effects can included constipation. I am not embarrassed to say that I am certainly affected, and offer my solution. I spoke to a VERY helpful pharmacist, who suggested Lactulose, as it helps the colon retain more water, thus making waste matter less compacted and easier to pass out of the body.

In my experience, Lactulose (available on prescription) is yuckily sweet, even for me. But I recently tried adding it, instead of sugar, to my morning porridge. Surprise, surprise, it wasn't too bad!

I just thought I'd share in case someone else was having difficulty. Any other ideas for disguising the taste? I don't take sugar in coffee.

Best answers:

  • Ive had lactulose and it is gross tasting. Have you got some sweets on standby so you can pop one in quickly to disguise the taste? Refreshers maybe?
  • You might also find a spoonful of ordinary brown linseed (flax) added to the porridge would help the constipation.
    This would have the extra benefit of topping up your Omega3 supply as well as probably being cheaper. I give my linseed a quick spin in the blender to grind it up a bit and then store it in the fridge. The golden linseed is always a lot more expensive but doesn't contain higher amount of fibre or omega which is why I've suggested the brown.
    You need to drink plenty of water when taking Linseed 150-200ml per tablespoon linseed.
  • Ted, it's funny you should mention linseed; it was advised for people with MS who also had digestive problems. I'll look out for it, ta!
  • I've just read the info regarding this board, and how it is really supposed to be about moneysaving with regard to Health issues; and NOT for discussion of health conditions.
    I'm sorry for not really sticking to the spirit of the purpose of the board.
  • its a good tip for any of the opiate based medications and its fairly moneysaving its relatively cheap to buy over the counter if you dont benefit from free prescriptions and was recommended by a pharmacist to my mum after she had major surgery this summer
  • Have you tried Aloe Vera capsules? I take Iron tablets for Anaemia, and they have the same effect - but Aloe Vera (which is claimed to be natures colon cleanser) really helps me.
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