20 Sep 2016

A question about : sorry ive been away!

Ive been away from MSE for agesssss now. Im so sorry to those that were folling my threads and giving advice. Its been a horrid few months.
Ive started divorce proceedings and the legal orders for the kids/ the house so its been so stressful and on to of that ive had a 5000 word dissertation proposal to start.
The kids and I are in councelling once a week now and its helping so much to deal with the trauma of what ex hubby did and now actually we are really settled and in a pretty good routine.
Im going to cease dealing with CAP and continue my DMP alone as I want to offer F&F's for the debts that are left to clear them asap.
Still getting letter for EX here at the house for his debts but just binning them, its no longer my problem thankfully.
Just wanted to touch base with the MS mums regulars and thankyou all for your support when everything first happened, this board was a great source of strength for me.
hope you are all well.
foggy. xx

Best answers:

  • howdy foggy
    glad you and the kids are doing well have been thinking about you recently xx
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