15 Jun 2017

A question about : Son leaving army

Hi. I had a call from my 21 year old son last night saying that he has given notice to leave the army!! Although I am pleased, I am also a bit worried what he will do work wise. What jobs are suitable for ex army??

Best answers:

  • Anything he wants. I left the forces and became a scientist.
  • eWhat cap badge is he, I should imagine he'll have been working towards his trade while he's been in there?
    Personally I'd have a quiet talk with him to make sure he's not having a knee-jerk reaction to something that's happened, he might just have hit a rough patch and kick himself for actually leaving six months down the line as a lot of people do.
    But he's young and if he really does want to leave then he has the same oppportunities as everyone else.
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