08 Dec 2017

A question about : Sometimes in a relationship you just have to admit UPDATE . Still trying to control .

It's over. ..

My apologies for posting this ( and i'll probably regret it tomorrow ) but after years of trying so hard to keep our relationship going my partner has lied and deceived me - broken my things and physically hurt me so many times .

FB has a lot to answer for, though he has always denied it .

Apparently he's been in a relationship with someone else he met on FB & now its official even though he was here last night .

I'm a fool .

Thinking back it all fits now . .

Sorry for the rant ..title=Frown I'm hurt ....& need a virtual cuddle .)

Going off line before I make a fool of myself , x

Best answers:

  • Sorry to hear about that Mandi, here's a hug for you, you have not made a fool of yourself, there is nothing wrong with being human.
  • Go for the fat old ugly ones who live in the NE with their own business and 2 homes and no baggage.
    Who dont even do FB.
    They never would cheat on you.
    So Im told, dont know anyone like that meself tho
    Oh hang on a minute...
  • Sorry to hear that Mandi
    Have a dodgy hug
    Change your locks and have a holiday in the sun
  • So sorry, Mandi.... ((((((((((((((((((((Mandi)))))))))))))))))))))
    Just remember, a relationship with violence is never a good one. You do not deserve that.
    Not a good way to start the year, but you have lots of friends on here, so come on and rant or wail whenever you want to.
  • I've been there Mandi, and I can tell you that the freedom to do what you want after years of being controlled is awesome.
    I hope you follow through and get out now before anything else happens. Don't stand for it Lady, you're worth much more than that
    Stuff him and all men like him. There's somebody better out there for you.
    You know where we are
  • Sorry to hear that Mandi
  • Kick him to the kerb.
    Seriously - what's so great about him? Let FBTramp have him! Did she think he was at his mother's last night?
    Better off alone than with someone who lies to you, let alone anything else!
    Be your own best friend, advise yourself as if it was your sister or best mate going through this and be objective. It's time for you to do all the stuff you couldn't or didn't have time to do while in that one-sided relationship!
    I don't know much about you but seeing as it's cold outside, why not spend the next few weeks cosy with friends who understand and inspire you. You will get over the heartbreak in a matter of time - everybody does eventually and then life begins a new chapter . . What do you want that chapter to say?
    Start planning it because looking forward and planning a future is more productive than over thinking all the 'if onlies'
    This could be the start of something wonderful!
  • Thanks everyone . I appreciate it .
    I'm feeling very upset today . I didn't really get any sleep with things running through my mind .
    Time & time again i've taken him back , forgiven him & hoped for a fresh start .. Forgotten about how much he's hurt me & everything that's been broken .
    I'm absolutely gutted especially when he's blocked me from FB & then posted his new relationship on there for everyone to see . as all of our arguments recently have been about his use of FB & what I thought at the time were my insecurities .. It seems I was right afterall .
    I'm rambling & tired - sorry .
    Thanks again x
  • Best wishes to you and get rid of the loser, he's only going to keep doing all hes doing now. Maybe feel sorry for the "other woman" as he'll do the same to her.
  • Ah damn Mandi. I'm so sorry you are feeling like this.
    I'm not sorry you have ended the relationship though. You deserve better than that. No-one deserves to be in a toxic relationship.
    As someone who has been single for 14 years, I can say that I have been through the whole range of emotions. I am perfectly happy on my own now and would not settle for anything less than the right person for me. If that never happens then so be it. No-one is less of a person because they are not in a relationship.
    I wish I could speed up this process for you but you have to go through all this grief and upset to appreciate how amazing and strong you are. It will end though.
    Lots and lots of hugs. xxxx
  • ^^^^^^^^ what she said with knobs on!
    Being in a relationship with someone who's not right for you is far worse than being on your own, although it can take a while of being on one's own to discover that.
    Eventually you'll find that you'll be free of the worry and wondering and fear even, that such a relationship can bring, and as Joansgirl says, that is very liberating!
    But for now, don't think too much, just rest.
  • I hope you get to a strong place and have fully moved on before he might try to get you back just to see if he can. Abuse is an antonym of love and you have had a lucky escape. This is your chance to strive for something better and you know you can trust your instincts now.
  • I'm sorry to hear that, mandi. He's a mug. Whatever you do, don't change your mind and take him back. Onwards to a better life now....
  • So sorry for you Mandi, some fellas don't know when there well off.
    Take him to the cleaners and grab all you can.
  • Very sorry to hear that Mandi.
    No useful advice for you, but I agree what others have said.
    The fact that you care for others shines out of your posts so please take care of yourself now. xxx
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