10 Mar 2019

A question about : Some advice needed about getting back into shape

Hi all,

Just looking for some advice with regards to getting back into shape, I think I need to be 'smarter' in my approach.

Basically I'm 28, male and 5ft 11, I've led a pretty sedentary lifestyle over the last 2 years and this has led to weight gain and I was approaching just under 13 stone and my BMI was slightly over. I love chocolate and was eating far too much rubbish.

So beginning of December I've been eating better and less rubbish, I've been using the my fitness pal to track what I'm eating and have went from 13 stone to 12.4 stone. I work like 70 hours a week so exercise is difficult but I've started doing a very negligible amount like 10 mins per night of sprints, sit ups and press ups. I also bought an exercise bike last week and have used that for 30 mins every second day but I don't really understand the over complicated programmes on it.

Basically I want to get down to 11-11.5 stone and lose the stomach fat and manboobs. Once I hit target weight I will look to have a reasonably nice figure, I'm never going to be like the model on men's health (I dont enjoy exercise enough but just reasonably toned.

My question is what are people's thoughts on what I am doing and what I should be doing?


Best answers:

  • I.s I'm eating around 1700 calories per day for 0.5kg weight loss per week.
  • Good for you, both for identifying the problem and more importantly for starting to tackle it.
    Your work week will be a challenge. Is there any way to incorporate moving a little bit more during it? Do you know anyone who would consider walking meetings for example? I sometimes do this with a colleague and it works well if we have a big issue to chew over. Or could you park a bit further away/walk to work etc? You're doing great with the home gym stuff but anything else you can add in, even if it's only a little bit, does help speed things up.
    I have a pedometer which is really helpful in motivating me to walk a bit further than I might choose to, especially on busy days, and it does motivate me to take the stairs rather than the lift etc.
    But well done, I'd say at this stage it's about keeping it up and seeing the changes you've made to your eating habits as long term and sustainable.
    Oh as a PS I find I get bored with the same kind of exercise after a while. If you notice your motivation dropping, try to think of a different kind of activity you could do. It doesn't always have to be about doing the same thing over and over again.
  • Well well done for a start! My advice is simply that weight loss is conceptually very simple, but very difficult in practice.
    Ultimately, you are doing the right things, reducing your food intake, and getting some exercise in. Those are the basic principles and if you stick to them you'll get results.
    The difficult thing is sticking to them! Know, it doesn't sound like you actually have much more to go. My recommendation would be to carry on, but just get smarter. Look into what you are eating. Look do reduce your sugar intake and do some reading on glycemic index. Personally, I find sugar to be the single biggest factor when needing to drop a few pounds.
    The other biggest factor is preparation. In order to stick to healthy eating, being prepared is critical. If you are working long hours, sticking to a diet it tricky, and it's easy to just snack. Think about the week ahead when you go shopping, and try to prepare healthy food in advance to avoid you taking the easy option. Lots of vegetables, less processed foods etc.
    Lots to go into in the subject, but have a good read, and just try to keep yourself motivated. That's the only really difficult part.
    Good luck!
  • Try to do something every day. Eg - take a walk at lunch time, run up the stairs, go and play badminton after work even if you don't feel like it. It doesn't much matter what, so long as you do it.
    And just decide that you're not going to buy crap any more. Just don't bother with it.
    A lot of people will talk about finding something that you enjoy. To be honest, if you enjoyed exercise, you would be doing it and you wouldn't be on here trying to find out about losing weight. Don't worry too much about enjoying it - find stuff that is bearable, and then just get on with it. The motivation is in the end result, not in the activity, if you see what I mean.
    Well done on making a start.
  • Hi abbas5001,
    Congratulations, it sounds like you have made a great start and have a good plan in place.
    Remember every 10 minutes of exercise helps if it gets your heart rate up and your lungs working harder. Try thinking about your day or week ahead and work out when you can spend a little time to get your heart rate going. Make a weekly plan, as it'll help you see where you can fit it in more easily. We all rely on cars and public transport, because they make our lives so easy. But making active travel choices by walking or cycling on some of your journeys instead as a helpful way to fit activity into your day. Aim for 20-30 mins of activity and gradually build it up to 150 minutes a week.
    As the others have mentioned it's also a good idea to have a meal plan in place especially with working such long hours. It can be easy just to pick up an unhealthy snack along the way but there's lots of healthy alternatives to choose from - you could try chunks of melon, strawberries, lower fat plain yoghurt, a small handful of unsalted nuts, pitta and lower fat dips like salsa or reduced fat hummus, rice cakes with lower fat cream cheese and cucumber.
    Why not have a look at our Meal Mixer tool for more easy, healthy & tasty recipes? Just follow this link: https://smarttools.change4life.co.uk
    All the best, EM
  • Well done Abbas5001. Starting is the hardest bit and you have achieved that so give yourself a round of applause.
    Cardio is a great fat burner, but don't forget your weights. Weight training increases your metabolism more than cardio work helping you burn more fat. You don't need fancy weights, just a few plastic bottles filled with sand can be used as weights
    Its hard working such long hours, and I don't know what you do for a living, but as others have said try to include at least some exercise in your workday schedule whether it be a walk at lunchtime, using stairs instead of the lift, walking to the shops instead of getting in the car.
    Meal planning is key. Try to set aside a few hours each week to put together your own ready meals. Nothing more satisfying than popping your own ready meals in the microwave at the end of a long day at work.
    Best of luck to you.
  • Hi guys
    Thanks for your words of encouragement, really appreciate it. Sorry it's taken me ages to reply back.
    The reason I work so many hours is I look after our family business which is a convenience store so I am surrounded by crisps, chocolate and juice.
    I have lapsed a little over the last fortnight due to a few late nights which leads to eating more junk the following day and a few weddings I had to attend to.
    On a positive note, beginning of December I was 13 stone and now I am just about 12 stone. My target was 11-11.5 stone but on second thoughts I think 12 stone is fine.
    I have been using the myfitnesspal app to track my calories and it gives you a default carbs, protein, fat etc limit per day. To be honest I find I'm still eating too many carbs and subsequently sugar. I'm eating processed food less but I find on a good day such as porridge for breakfast, homemade tuna salad for lunch and chicken breast fillet for dinner I still exceed the sugar limit because I'm treating myself to one bar of chocolate per day and eat a reasonable amount of fruit which obviously contains sugar.
    I still have fat on my stomach and chest which I'd love to get rid of so I guess I need to reduce my body fat percentage which I'm not sure how to do.
    I plan on starting doing weights at home, just Dumbbells 4 times a week. Currently i do 50 sit ups and press ups, 30 squats and 1 min sprints at home every 2nd day. On alternate days I do 30 mins on the exercise bike.
  • To get rid of that fat, I've got bad news for you (well good maybe), the sugar has got to go! Carbs try to reduce, but no need to eliminate, but sugar is the killer. It's a double whammy in that your building up glycogen stores with it and you start to crave it when you have it. Also beware of sugar where you won't expect it. Particularly sauces, spreads etc, and definitely fruit. Hit the veggies hard and try to cut the fruit back.
    The last but is all about diet, and it's the toughest part. Sounds like you are doing well though! Don't beat yourself up for a good achievement. Think 'I've done good, how to I make it great'!
  • Well done on making such a great start! Over the last 18. Months or so I have dropped 3 dress sizes (don't track my weight) by reducing carbs and sugar and eating loads of protein as well as weight training 3 times a week. Your working hours are not going to allow that sort of schedule with weights, but doing as much physically as you can fit in, especially anything that requires you to use strength against weight or resistance (boxes of stock in your store used whilst squatting? Carrying packets whilst lunging? That sort of thing) will really help. Do not worry about low fat.....it is the sugar and the carbs that are unhelpful, healthy fats are great.
    I now have more energy, feel great and you can actually SEE my muscles. It is a good feeling and you are well on the way. Keep going and you might find you start to enjoy it.
    Good luck and well done on your hard work so far.
  • no need to drop chocolate from your diet, try stick to 80% clean 20% treat split if you feel you cant eliminate it from your diet. Also how many calories are you getting in each day? When doing the bike try to mix it up with the tension you use and speeds also. Sitting pedaling away for 30mins will take you alot longer to reach your goal were as training at high intensity e.g 1min slow 30secs-1min of high intensity and do that for around half the time. You wont need to do 30mins if your doing higher intensity also. Good luck
  • Well done on the progress so far - I have also embarked on a weight loss mission this year, and I completely agree that it's not easy when your working week is long and routine difficult to get in place! I started seeing a PT a couple of weeks ago, which has helped with my motivation. Sometimes having someone to work out with is good, because you don't want to let the other person down by skipping the gym! Anything that gets your heart and lungs working is good, like interval training or circuits. Mix up the cardio with weights - invest in a kettlebell if you haven't already, and add reps of 15 swings to your existing squat/sit-up/press-up routine.
    My PT advised me to start taking protein shakes, to help with building strength and muscle whilst I lose weight. I was surprised at how many nice flavours there are available - I ordered the caramel chocolate one, and have three shakes a day. They actually taste really nice and are quite filling... so I see them as a 'treat'!
    I have learned to never skip breakfast!! I still struggle with it, but those are the days I find myself reaching for a bag of crisps or a scone and butter mid-morning! A healthy bowl of porridge with blueberries or cereal with sliced banana easily keeps me full til lunchtime, and gives me more energy!
    Good luck with it - and remember it's ok to have a 'bad day', just as long as you make the next one better!
  • Paleo, lifting heavy weights and HIIT has worked for me, Ive lost 4 stones in 18 months.
    Good fats are fine in my opinion, no need to eat low fat foods to lose weight. I dont eat low fat anything.
  • Thanks for the advice again guys,
    I'm a little bit confused to be honest with so many great ideas as everyone has their own thoughts and successful methods - I guess I need to find my own.
    As I said my weight now is something I'm satisfied with at 12 stone. I just want to lost the stomach and chest fat and be relatively lean so reducing body fat percentage.
    I think the next step is to continue with the diet as I'm getting plenty of protein and reasonable fruit and veg but cut back on treats to every few days rather than every day. Also maybe introduce protein shakes and I still haven't started the Dumbbells but start them and see how things are in a month or so.
    I'll message back to let you guys know how I have done!
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