06 Oct 2015

A question about : 'Separated' statutory declaration template/wording

Hi, there. Could someone please provide or link me to a template for statutory declaration of marital status as 'separated'? I know that for statutory declarations for single marital status go along the lines of 'I declare that I am not bound by the ties of marriage and that I am not a ward of court in this or in any other jurisdiction' etc. But what do you write in the place of that for 'separated' marital status? Many thanks!

Best answers:

  • Ok, I finished the wording. But I still need a bit of help! Basically, the declaration is for student finance. Do we need to enter the (current) address of the spouse with whom my mother has separated? Applying for student finance is such a nightmare!
  • Ok, solved that too! Just one more question: for statutory declaration do you have to just sign it in front of a solicitor, or do you as well have to formally swear in front of the solicitor?
  • Hi
    I was just wondering if you would be able to forward me a link to a statutory declaration as I need one for my student finance application as well?
    Thank you
  • Hi was wondering if you could post the link for the declaration of marital status as 'separated' for me as well? Thanks
  • Hi, was just wondering if someone could forward the declaration of separation to me as well? Student finance is a nightmare and they won't accept anything else as proof apparently
  • When I telephoned student finance about this, they suggested that the sponsoring parent could prove they live alone by sending a Council Tax bill showing the single occupier discount
  • Hi, I was also wondering if you could post the link for the declaration of marital status as 'separated' for me as well? Thanks
  • I drafted this and got it sworn at my local solicitor for Ј5 in order to satisfy Student Finance and proof that I was separated for my son's application. Please feel free to use!
    Statutory Declaration
    I, [First Name] [Surname] of [Address] do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:
    I was married to [First Name] [Surname] of [Address] on DD/MM/YYYY.
    I have been separated from [First Name] [Surname] of [Address] since DD/MM/YYYY and have not lived at the matrimonial home since that date.
    I make this solemn declaration believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835
    Signed: [your signature]
    Declared at: [Solicitors Address]
    On this [Day] Day of [Month/Year]
    Before me,
    [solicitors signature]
    [Solicitor’s Name, Occupation, Address]
  • OR
  • And that is enough to get your income discounted for student finance purposes?
    I would have thought that they would want some external proof like council tax statements or it is too easy.
  • Student finance have just accepted my council tax bill as proof of separation.
  • Ignore my previous reply. Student finance after agreeing my daughter's loan and grant, and sending her all the paperwork, have now changed their minds and won't accept it, as it doesn't actually say 'single person' on it, it says 25% disregard, and according to them someone else is still registered here ( only my daughter, who is the bloomin' student in question!) I am now having to rush round getting a signed declaration, so my suggestion to anyone else reading this thread is go straight for that ( it's costing me Ј25) rather than risk being messed around like I have been for the past 4 months!
    P.S I'm going to the local magistrate's court to do mine, probably cheaper than a solicitor.
  • Hi guys, I am in the very late stages of completing my student finance application and need to send in the last few bits.
    My parents have separated and I need proof of this to supply to Student Finance England, in the form of a Statutory Declaration however due to certain circumstance we are not willing to fork out in excess of Ј100 for a couple of lines typed up by a solicitor.
    My dad has an appointment with a solicitor on monday to get the declaration sworn by but this has meant we have to type up our own declaration, I have done this but have been stumped by the addresses I need to put. Will i need to put my mums current address anywhere in here?
    Below is where I am at:
    'Statutory Declaration
    I, (father name) of (fathers current address) do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:
    I was married to (wife name) of (which address do I put here?) on 12/03/93.
    I have been separated from (wife name) of (which address do i put here?) since 29/12/12 and she has not lived at the matrimonial home since that date.
    I make this solemn declaration believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835.
    Declared at:
    on the Monday day of August 2013, 12/08/13,
    before me:'
    Furthermore would this be sufficient enough for a solicitor to sign and be accepted by Student Finance England as proof of my father's now separated marital status? Any help would be much appreciated and any further additions or indeed improvements.
    Thanks in advance
  • Hi,
    has this actually worked for anyone? Any reply would be grateful, very desperate to know
  • Student finance have just accepted my council tax bill as proof of separation.
  • My daughter is in her 3rd year of university, and it has been a bit of an adventure for her for all the right and wrong reasons. When she went to uni we were under financial difficulties, but we were told we did not qualify for a grant or any assistance, due to me earning to much. a few months later my husband was made bankrupt, and during a chaotic 2 weeks we lost our home. With the help of my parents I manged to help her through the first year. She found a job for the second year and that coupled with me having my proceeds of the house sale and still working I thought we would be ok. So two weeks into the second year, her father leaves us without warning and having emptied our bank accounts, now at the start of her 3rd year I have been made redundant, can I now make a retrospective claim for her 2nd and 3rd years to get the assistance grant? Does anyone have any information or ideas?
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