21 Mar 2024

A question about : Sat & Sun 20th -21st September

When we start out on the DFW trail we do loads of big stuff that makes quite a difference to our situation. These include having our lightbulb moment, cutting up the credit cards and cancelling Sky and the gym .

But once we have done the bigger stuff, we often feel that we are not making the same amount of progress, when in fact the small steps are helping us form good financial habits and helping us get closer everyday to staying in control and becoming debt free, or staying debt free.

Examples could be hanging washing out instead of using the tumble dryer or leaving your purse/wallet at home to avoid the risk of spending .

So be proud of those small steps, they really are important. title=Top

Best answers:

  • Omg no post I hope ive not done a double post
  • hope every one is well
    nice day today
    my list
    start budget for payday
    start writing winter check list
    meals for stores
    get ready for work
    iam looking for a good site to do surveys if you can help xx
  • Ooh quiet thread, let's wake it up
    Not much for me yesterday, as I went to an auction to buy stock for my little business. Also bought a quite expensive present for OH. But he loves it . Even if he hadn't I could always have sold it again I guess.
    No spends other than that, babysat for DD and her OH last night so they could go to an evening wedding reception
    Busy today though!
    So far I have:
    Cleaned out the chickens house and run, and tidied up the garden
    Carried some of the new shop stock up to the top floor for storage (whew, I ought to be thinner than I am!) Still more to take up though.
    Still to do:
    Take rest of stock upstairs Done
    Sort out, clean and label up some bits to take to the unit tomorrow to freshen up and (hopefully) replace things that have sold Got a couple of boxes ready.
    Small shop - run out of bread Done
    Make a fish pie for supper to use up bits of smoked fish, cream, lemon etc left over in the fridge. Will need to buy some white fish and prawns, may as well make a big one, then it will do for tomorrow as well. Keep spends to a minimum by going to Lidls Done, enough left for tomorrow (yum)
    We can have cabbage with it, as I seem to have a lot of that too Yep
    Cook quinces for quince jelly, hang up in jelly bag and drip overnight Waiting for them to cool a bit before I set up the jelly bag on its stand thing
    Sort out larder, to make room for all my preserves Done - need a bigger larder!
    Make a cake of some kind Done, made flapjacks with some rather unlovely meusli that needed using up
    Washing dried on line
    Hope everyone has a good day - it is lovely and sunny here today
  • Sunny here too - going to cook chicken thighs and wings in slow cooker and pick off all the meat - will make chicken dinner with mash and cabbage for dinner tonight and hopefully have enough chicken for another 2 meals (chicken and bacon pasta and maybe chicken fried rice - but veg levels in fridge are low and not spending anything on food till friday at the earliest!)
    Going to get out in the garden and tidy bits this afternoon - want to get it ready for winter and try to plan ahead to have it prepared for growing a bit more next year - I am not very good at keeping on top of it!
    First load of washing on the line and second in the machine!
    Going to do my budget for next month and total up my debts and put in my signature today - might even put a planned debt free date if I am brave enough!
  • Switched to SIM only yesterday, and saved Ј23.75 a month, applied for NHS discount on this and will save another Ј2 a month on top
    Having a sort out and tidy today, house looks like a nuclear device has gone off
    I worked my day off and did extra on call last week so the chores stack up, have made some progress though.
  • Hello all
    Don't always post at the weekend as I spend all week in front of a computer but couldn't resist the temptation to change my signature today. Feeling tentatively pleased and proud with our achievements so far - there is something about breaking through a barrier (thirty something to twenty something) that feels really good. Tentative because I am well aware that it is early on in our journey and I don't want to get complacent.
    Have been feeling really tired this weekend but have managed to do some baking (bread, rolls and rock cakes), batch cooking (soup and curry), 5 loads of laundry (and that doesn't include the bedding - where does it all come from!) and a couple of long dog walks.
    Lovely hubby did the shop yesterday while I watched a film -Ladies in Lavender. Never usually put the TV on during the day but thoroughly enjoyed that. He has also done both early morning dog walks, vacuumed, stripped the beds, a big pile of ironing, polished all the shoes and boots, and so on... He is now collapsed in front of the TV but deservedly so.
    Need to send off our meter readings - am really nervous about this. Last time we sent them (Feb) we were told that we were Ј895 in defecit and I had a huge row with the company about not massively increasing our monthly payment. They did agree to keep the same payment - I am hoping that our long summer of no heating or tumble drying (haven't used either since March) has made a significant dent in the amount owing.
    Right, I'm off to prep the veg for tonight's dinner - pan hagerty - recipe courtesy of the Hairy Pair. Very frugal, easy and tasty.
    Best wishes and enjoy what's left of the weekend x
  • Well done on going below the 30s SS
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