12 Apr 2019

A question about : Ring resizing while you wait

Does anyone know if there's somewhere in Belfast I can get my ring resized while I wait? I just got engaged on Thursday and I can't bear to leave my ring in for more than a few hours! It needs changed from an M to an L so just down one size. I don't mind paying for it, as the place where we got it wants to keep it for 3 WEEKS to resize!

Thanks in advance.

Best answers:

  • NOT a good title for a thread. Sorry, childish I know !!
  • gardiner brothers in waring street have an in-house jeweller, as opposed to ones who just have sales people and would be sending it away to be fixed. they might be able to do it while you wait, worth a phone call anyway
  • Try Farmers on Cregagh Road https://rfarmerjewellers.co.uk/home/1786951
  • Making bigger is easier and they just stretch it, but making smaller have to heat the metal. Not sure will it need re hallmarked as well? That means it has to get sent to an assay office.
  • I've tried Gardiners but they say if we bought it from them they can resize in one hour, but if not it takes 3 weeks!
    Have sent Farmers a message through their website to see what they say, but I am open to any other recommendations.
    I don't think it should need re-hallmarked, but it's a possibility due to the placement of the hallmark.
    Thanks for everyone's input so far.
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