29 Apr 2016

A question about : Returning from abroad. Can I claim benefit?

Hi. I am British and left my job in the UK in January 2012 before moving abroad in July. I was intending to work abroad but was unable to and have now used up my savings. I'm having to move back to the UK for personal reasons and will be looking for to go back to work there. Can I ask whether I can apply for any form of benefit while I look for work? I will be trying to find temporary accommodation with friends ( I have no family in UK or support from them) but that might not be possible. I am very worried I will have nowhere to live and no money to assist me until I find my feet and find work again. Many thanks.

Best answers:

  • Try entering your details here https://www.turn2us.org.uk/
  • if you were working for a couple of years before you left, and have paid NI in the qualifying years, then you would be entitled to JSA.
  • Even if you are homeless, it's very unlikely you will get even temporary accommodation provided for you unless there is some very compelling reason https://england.shelter.org.uk/get_ad.../priority_need . So friend's sofa would be best bet till you get sorted.
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