07 Jun 2016

A question about : The redundancy board... what its all about

Welcome to this new board. Not one I particularly relish setting up, but in todays economic climate I hope it will be a place of information, help and support to all those who are facing redundancy, have been through it, or are worried it may happen.

The aim is to provide key MoneySaving and rights info - as well as a place to chat and discuss any issues.

Wishing all of those here all the best.


Best answers:

  • People made redundant might find the following boards useful:
    Employment, Jobseeking and Training
    Benefits & Tax Credits.
    There's also Useful Links for Employment & Jobseeking.
  • If redundancy has or is likely to result in you struggling to meet your debts, then this article on the main site may also be useful:
    Link: Debt Problems: Where to start, what to do, where to get help
    There is also plenty of help and support on the Debt-Free Wannabe boards.
  • This has got to be a good idea MSE Martin - as redundancy is going to be so prevalent now.....
    So - a specific Board shouldnt be necessary - but, since it is, its just as well that its been established. I have been taken aback by how unprepared a lot of people are for this happening to them and how little they know about what their financial situation will be...so I think this is a good idea.
  • Thanks for the timely Board.
    I wish it wasn't necessary....
  • Having been made redundant in the past my tip is to look at it as a possitive rather than a negative, it's an opportunity for new things, also don't take the first job you get offered just for the sake of it unless you really, really need the money. I found that it just doesn't work out very well.
    If you can try and put away 6 months worth of mortgage payments before you get made redundant. sounds alot but it's achievable.
  • Hi my tip is, read your P45 (the job centre will ask you to bring it with you when you make a claim but i didnt get mine till afterwards) esp part 2 because you may be entitled to a tax refund:
    If your claiming job seekers
    Take it to the job centre and if your entitled to any money so will get it when your claim ends or 5th April whichever is first i believe.
    If not claiming jobseekers and not working and have paid tax then ask for a
    P50 (claim for income tax repayment) at any inland revenue office.
    I only knew about it because of my mum and you dont really feel the urge to read it and i wonder if i did take it to jc would they have mentioned it. If anyone thinks I should but it anywhere else then let me Know. Not got my bearings first day you see!!:0
  • Anyone with any grievances about being made redundant harshly/unfairly has recourse thru the relevant public body for there area.
    https://www.lra.org.uk/ for residents/workers in Northern Ireland or for mainland UK https://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1461
  • Anyone got any advice on the process itself?
    On Tuesday, via telephone conference call, I was informed that I was 'in the process, at risk' it's between myself and colleague and it's a stitch up ! I work for a corporate and although they have legal people, highly trained HR etc, they are prone to the odd HR misdemeanour or two.
    Next week it's the at risk interview, then, the selection process starts, 3 people scoring me on pre determined criteria? apparently, my boss is one of the selection panel, and this is where the main problem is for me.
    Any advice or suggestions welcome.
    Thanks, Gary
  • Anyone got any advice on the process itself?
    On Tuesday, via telephone conference call, I was informed that I was 'in the process, at risk' it's between myself and colleague and it's a stitch up ! I work for a corporate and although they have legal people, highly trained HR etc, they are prone to the odd HR misdemeanour or two.
    Next week it's the at risk interview, then, the selection process starts, 3 people scoring me on pre determined criteria? apparently, my boss is one of the selection panel, and this is where the main problem is for me.
    Any advice or suggestions welcome.
    Thanks, Gary
  • hello i work for a city council and they are going through a series of redundencies at the moment. on the redundency calculator they ask for your age. is this right and why should my age affect what i am entitled to??? i have been in my job for the same amount of time as someone older than me i should be offered the same amount of redundency!!!
    :confused: :confused: :confused:
    this is ageism!!! i thought this was against the law now? shoudlnt national and local governments be setting an example here and paying people on their length of service only? but the law allows this to happen. can anyone explain??
  • I just heard about this website on the news:-
    Hope it helps.
  • I went into my local WHSmiths today at Pontefract and the staff seemed quieter than usual not their usual cheery selves so i asked what was wrong and they r facing redundancies it was announced Monday and the ones made redundant could b gone by the end of the month.
  • Some useful links, the bottom one is great.
    Redundancy and leaving your job : Directgov - Employment
    This is a great document..
  • i was annoyed to find out from my mum, just how little my dad got when he was made redundant....which was after 44 years service. his employer went bust so he got Ј7000 from some government redundancy pay thing ( im not in the know)...anyway, my dad was so frustrated and found himself feeling he was on the scrap heap...he slowly hated life. Dad died at the very young age of 63 last year. Mum was almost thankful he went when he did, as he grew very unhappy with this country and the mess he could see us all ending up in, over the years.
    Ј7000 for 44 years plus service is rediculous....isnt it!
  • We need to be especially careful now... it appears even white-collar jobs are no longer safe: https://money.sky.com/mp/features/new...ncreasing.html
  • I've been in the redundant situation which is I really don't like but I don't have any choice but to accept the fact and wait until I finally paid all my debts.
  • Okay, what is being "Redundant"? I take it it's a UK thing? Does it mean "fired","layed off" or otherwise removed from place of employment?
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