12 Jun 2017

A question about : Redundancy

My husband is in this tranche. He is desperate for redundancy. He has applied for it. Am terrified he is not going to get it because he is going to be a grumpy Gonz if he doesn't.

Anyone else up for it?

Best answers:

  • If his job is still in existence, then it wont become redundant.
  • Not quite that simple when he is in the bracket for redundancy and he is stopping people from promoting and only has 2 years to go.
    No chance of promotion himself. Not the same as civvy strasse is it.
  • Chances of him getting redundancy with 2 to go, minimal I'm afraid
  • Did you have good news Gonzo on todays results?
  • Your husband can always appeal the decision. He husband can get the Redundancy Appeals DIN off DII. Just be aware that chances are not good as stated above!
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