02 Jun 2016

A question about : Redundancy

Hi all

I've had a quick look on .gov and there is not a great deal of detail.

I wondered if anyone in the know could spell out what (if any) statutory right I have to paid time off during my notice period for job hunting. And within that, what activities count? Looking in the job paper/on line? Going to agencies? Going to interviews? Going to business investors to discuss self employed opportunities? Seeking advise RE courses for retraining? etc etc!

If someone could spell it out that would be most helpful.


Best answers:

  • As usual the .Gov site is vague. It appears to say you are entitled to reasonable (whatever that means) time off to look for work but you won't get paid for it.
    I suspect it depends on how 'reasonable' your employer is.
  • The legislation requires up to 2/5 week to be paid.
    (total not per week, and you must have been employed for 2 years or more)
    If the employer is unreasonable also allows for upto 2/5 extra but no idea how you would enforce that in a cost effective way.
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