22 May 2017

A question about : Recycled storage containers etc.

I am always amazed at the amount of those plastic take away containers people throw away. Once washed out, they make great containers for packed lunch and leftover food for the freezer. I also use empty plastic bottles to put over delicate plants in the garden, drill a few little holes and they make mini green houses.

I went travelling around the world a few years ago ( I know air transport is not very green title=Smile but I did get loads of tips for re-using practically everything from people who had to do that just to get by. You tend to look at everything in a different light and before throwing anything away think how it could be re-used. I have also found since I've got back that I've fallen into a few bad habits and have to keep reminding myself.

Anyway, thats enough of me rambling on, some great tips on here!

Best answers:

  • Anyone who finds themselves in Cuba will be astounded as to how they make do and mend and recycle over there, inspirational.
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