15 Dec 2017

A question about : Re: Magic

Clever ;D


Explain how it works.

Can't ;D

Best answers:

  • hihihi got the answer wrong for my second attempt ;D HA!! :P
  • I think I've got it ;D
    the number 9 is always part of these number tricks
    When you subtract the shuffled 4 digits from the original-
    you get a number that when added together always add up to 9, 18 or 27
    eg. 6421
    shuffle = 1264
    6421 - 1264 = 5157
    if I circle 5 and give the computer "157"
    the computer calculated: 1+5+7=13
    and the computer says "5" because that's what you add to get 18
    if you get what I mean - hard to explain
  • Marg and Tina..... the truth is I never left you........... :
  • Bob...I kept my promise......don't keep your P!ss pants :
  • That is strange, it guessed correctly even when I used a 3 figure numebr!!! ???
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