18 Sep 2016

A question about : Raw feeding older cats.

I a wondering if anyone raw feeds their cats, and if anyone has started raw feeding in an older cat?

My girl is almost 11 and after looking at some information online, i am trying out raw feeding.
Some of the websites i have read from say that the transition can be harder in older cats because they have spent their lives eating the commercial stuff. This is definitely my experience so far.

I think its better late than never, and dont want to give up trying. Do you guys have any suggestions to encourage her to eat raw meats?

So far i have tried pigs liver, ox heart and chicken wings.

Best answers:

  • I've found it impossible. I've tried every type of meat And fish imaginable (my dogs are raw fed) and neither of my cats will so much as lick the stuff. It gets sniffed and they walk away. I've tried adding things to make it more appealing. It failed. I even tied string around some strips of chicken to make a toy in hopes that would tempt them but nope.
    A few people have mentioned it has taken years to switch a cat to raw. One lady said it took her ten years to get her rescue cat to eat raw.
    All you can do is try.
  • My cats won't eat wet food, let alone raw food (unless they catch it themselves that is)
    For the last 6 months or so the only acceptable offering is one particlar flavour of Arden Grange kibble (oh and cheese Dreamies)
  • You could try her on raw mince to begin with, it looks more like commercial cat food and has a similar texture so she might be fooled in to trying it.
    When you've tried her on liver and heart, have you given her whole pieces of it or chopped it up finely? I feed my cat offal sometimes but if the pieces are too big he just doesn't know what to do with it, so I have to chop it up in to as small pieces as I can to make it more manageable. If your cat is older she might be finding it a bit too much for her teeth to get through.
  • Thank everyone.
    Glad that other have had the same experience, so i am not doing something wrong.
    When i gave her the liver and heart, it came chopped up about the size of a 1p coin, so i chopped those in half. Should i try smaller?
    She is even picking out the meat and then eating the kibble that i mixed with it (in the hopes that she'd eat it).
    Thanks for the tip about trying mince, I'll do that tomorrow as we are having spag bol.
    She eats lots of cooked meat, if the opportunity ever comes up. I havent tried her with fish yet, that might be the next thing to try.
  • Pork .....
    I'm on another forum where a lot of people feed raw and pork always seems to go down well
    Some people have cats that will only eat that!
    Ensure you're adding a complete supplement such as Felini though
  • Hi,
    We have an older cat (14-15yrs) and although I'd like to feed her a raw diet, she is not having it either.
    However, what she absolutely loves is a filet of defrosted pollock. I buy it frozen from Sainsbury's - their Basics range - a bag of 'White fish filets' and it costs less than Ј2 for 500g/or 6 filets (a bargain!). So she gets that once a week. Other thing that she will have raw is a turkey/chicken breast filet (cut into cubes). So again, from time to time I buy a pack, cut the filets into little cubes, freeze them in individual freezer bags and she gets one of those probably once a fortnight or so (expensive!).
    If you cat likes white fish, then coley or cod might also be palatable (=not too fishy!).
  • i might try pork and fish today then.
    Or put the chicken on the kitchen counter, so it looks like i want it for dinner...that may do the trick.
    I thought last night she had tried the heart, but she picked it all out and was eating everything else.
  • Don't mix dry food with wet, to be honest I wouldn't offer any dry food at all, if kitty is accustomed to dry food they are used to eating high amounts of sugar, just like humans when you are used to sugar you crave it.
    If you make your own raw meals make sure they are properly balanced, if they aren't they should only be given very occasionally as treats.
    You can start by buying ready made balanced minces like natures menu. If you feed pork it must be British reared to guarantee its safety as a raw food.
    Natures menu also do a wet food, really any wet is better than dry especially for an older kitty.
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