25 Sep 2023

A question about : Random debt letter from ccscollect.co.uk

Hi everyone, hope this is the right place to post title=Smile

I have been out of the country for five years, i have a bank account in the uk, no credit card, no loans, no overdraft or any other current debts at all, nothing.

But i did have, six to ten years ago.

Then today i received a letter from ccscollect.co.uk

Dear Mr ******

Our client reference: **** Ccs reference:****

We are attempting to contact the above named person regarding a personal matter. Following investigation we have been provided with the address above as the likely current residential address of Mr **** *****.

If you are the named person above, please contact us on 0800 781 4720 quoting reference number ******** and we will be able to give you further details of the matter we need to discuss.

If however -
YOU are NOT the person named above or possibly have information regarding the whereabouts of Mr **** ****, then please contact our investigation team in confidence on the number above, or email us at correspondence@ccscollect.co.uk.

Yours sincerely

Sam selby

Is this just a fishing letter, should i panic, call them or ignore them.

Thanks in advance for any help / assistance.

Best answers:

  • Just fishing at the moment. Until they (if ever) bother to write with proper details of what they are after, then I personally would just ignore them
    Quite possible from what you say that any older debts you might have left would be statute barred anyway.
    See: https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/....php?t=2606811
    But unless/until they put something in writing rather than random fishing letters, then can't see any point in biting.
  • Thank you for the quick reply,
    The link provides some good info, hopefully not needed.
    Many thanks, Jon
  • I have just received the same letter. Can I ask what the outcome was? Or any further advice would be grateful.
    Thanks in advance.
  • Sourcrates is right. Ignore for now.
    If you are a good match for their debt you will get a letter in a few weeks with an account number and a sum outstanding. If you get this then you might want to start dealing with it.
    If you don't get anything then it wasn't (isn't) your problem.
  • Ok, Thanks for the advice.
  • Bite at this point and you are a hooked fish.
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