07 Oct 2016

A question about : Quiet Leisure Centres

Anyone else enjoying a free run at gym/ swimming pool? It's magic at the moment.

For the last few days my local pool has been getting quieter and quieter. I had forty minutes the other day with two attendants (Council Policy) watching only me swim up and down. Gym is apparently much the same. No kids, family groups, toddlers, even the grizzlies have disappeared!

It's the same every year in the run up to Christmas and the week between Christmas and New Year I practically get the place to myself (when it's open).

Then wham! January arrives and it's like the sinking of the Titanic with all the heads bobbing about in the water.

Am I being selfish in wishing ' Roll on February?'

Best answers:

  • I know what you mean! It's lovely when there's only 2 or 3 of you in the pool or gym I was going to a bootcamp and some new people joined and it was too crowded then :-s
    Unfortunately my OH and I will be those dreaded January joiners next year. We moved to a new area and have been thinking about joining our local gym (Pure gym) for a while.
    If you can, you just have to aim to go at the most quiet times of the day/week until Jan is over!
  • I swim at an outdoor pool so I have this for seven months of the year
  • Gyms make their money out of January joiners who stop comming by March. They subsidise those us who go 2/3/4/5 times a week. Imagine if ALL the members were using the gym everyday, it would be impossible.
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