07 Jun 2015

A question about : Qmee

Has anyone used Qmee.com? I signed up last week via an invite and so far have cashed out Ј4.30 to my Paypal, and everything looks legit.

The idea is that you install an app in your browser which when you search using Google, Bing, Amazon or eBay sometimes text ads will appear next to the results along with an amount you get for clicking on them. Tends to be around 7-15p depending on the search.

It's still in beta and invite-only but I know there's a few codes around. This is the one I used and still seems to be working https://www.qmee.com/?invite=C9D41FA5

Best answers:

  • how much you are earning with it
  • I have had it for 2 weeks now and have earned Ј7 (so about 50p a day).
  • Thank you, I signed up using your invite code & have 70p already. Could be a good little earner!
  • Just done this and earned 16p from two searches.
    Most seem to be 8p.
    Anybody found any better ones?
    Interestingly you earn 8p by clicking through to MSE.
    In that case I wonder who's paying for the clicks?
  • Wow just signed up and cashed out Ј0.46...it was in my paypal account in seconds.
    Dont think I would use this on my main browser though - Message from Chrome:
    This extension can access:
  • Your data on all websites
  • Your tabs and browsing activity
  • Your bookmarks
  • Your browsing history
  • You might wanna be careful how you use this.....

  • This item can read every page that you visit - your bank, your web email, your Facebook page and so on. Often, this kind of item needs to see all pages, so that it can perform a limited task such as looking for RSS feeds to which you might want to subscribe.
    Caution: Besides seeing all your pages, this item could use your credential (cookies) to request or modify your data from websites.
  • Thanks going to test this out now, i am downloading a portable version of Google chrome and will use that purely for this.
  • Their policy regarding privacy: https://blog.qmee.com/the-qmee-promise-privacy
    I have to say, i was a bit skeptical, but after doing some research, i think i'll give this a go.
  • Did a couple of searches and managed Ј84p (which i cashed out into my paypal account.) The max i got for a search was 16p... minimum, 5p. The more i searched, the more the price decreased.
    I've disabled it whilst i'm not using it.
  • I've installed it on IE, which I don't use for normal browsing.
    What are people searching for to get ads up? I've tried all the normal things like loans, insurance etc and none of them give ads. The obly ads I got was when I searched for MSE and got an 8p click
  • The thermal underwear was a good shout. Just got me a few pennies.
    I make sure I cash mine out every day in case something happens as it only takes a few seconds.
    Things I search are: insurance, gold diamond rings etc. Just anything high value.
    I think it's best if you use it naturally as I read in the FAQs that the better user you are the more opportunities you will get to make money.
  • I got a 15p for searching 'yacht' in ebay and 'diamond ring' in Amazon which were the most I've got per click. I think you do have to play the game a bit and be natural etc otherwise I reckon you get penalised. Will keep trying new words!
    Anyone know what it means when the icon in your browser goes red then fills up green? Does that mean you've got the money for the click?
  • Got 72p yesterday but not one ad since!
  • I've given up on it.
    Spent half an hour this evening searching for various things and didn't get a single ad. Also the toolbar keeps disappearing when I go to a new page and I have to reopen it. Obviously conflicting with something else I've got running, but as everything else (very little) is stuff I use I'm not going to mess with them.
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