23 May 2015

A question about : Post your earliest memory of life #throwback

mine was either being thrown out of an assembly when i was in Year 2 , or setting mymicrowave on fire or ringing the poilce by accident , all when i was about five.

Best answers:

  • I think we were playing football and i 'threwback' the ball.
  • being about 3/4 and my mum putting me in the seat on the back of her bike then while attempting to get on the bike herself dropping it and it landing on the floor with me strapped in! I may remind her of this regularly........
  • I remember being really upset the day my best friend started school because I was too young to go! She was a full year older than me, so I must have been not quite 4. My mum made me 'home made chips' at lunch time and I ate them in the garden sat on my swing. It must have been the first day we hadn't played together since we were really tiny.
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