06 Apr 2016

A question about : Poss insurance scam

I thought I'd post this on here in case the same happens to any of you or if anyone has had the same experience, they can shed light on my situation.
My husband's mobile rang this afternoon - cam up as private number. He answered and a man said he was calling about the accident DH had last year & gave the reg no of our car. He said he was from the assessment centre but gave no company name. He correctly said the claim involved Wiltshire Council, but then said it was when one of their vehicles hit us - this was wrong as we had hit a deep pot hole & the council settled the claim against them with our insurers. DH passed the phone to me saying I'd handled the claim. I asked who he was, again he said the assessment centre but wouldn't give a company name. When I told him he'd got the information wrong & insisted he give me a company name etc., he replied with foul language ending in calling me a daft !!!!!! I hung up, no call back so far. Hmm...
So not sure who they were or their intention was, but they'd got quite a lot of information but not quite enough. I suspect some kind of scam - so be careful not to give any information thinking it's to do with any claim you may have.
I did call the repairers of our car who said they'd had an email this morning warning them to be vigilant not to give any customer info out. Not sure what they were trying to achieve though.

Best answers:

  • It is just some claims bandits who have bought some moody data about settled insurance claims and just call out to the subjects on the report, pretending to be in the knowledge of what has happened (when often they know next to nothing) and if they get lucky, they will come across someone who was injured and not yet made a claim.
    When they snag the interested person, they just punt the claim details on to a claims management company or a law firm for a fee.
    The problem arises from insurers, garages, police, recovery companies and anyone else involved in the notification of a claim selling on details of people.
    Just ignore them
  • As above anyone with a phone gets them even youngsters. Sometimes they have a name matched to the number sometimes just phising for you to give them some info.
    They may ask you to confirm your name, If they dont have it you may give them a clue as to what it is. So next time they have a name to go with your number.
    Then they ask about the recent accident. You say it was 2 years ago. Another bit of info for a future call.
    After a while they get enough info try and get you to use them to claim money owed to you and lies about money being in an account just waiting for you to claim.
    Its big business..
  • Thanks for replying - it's quite scary just how much personal information is out there about all of us.
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