16 Apr 2019

A question about : Portsmouth chinese warship question

Are there any Portsmouth residents or visitors that may be able to help me out. I understand that there are some Chinese warships docked in Portsmouth at the moment. My son is obsessed by flying and he would love to see an aircraft carrier, does anyone know if there fleet includes an aircraft carrier before I make the journey as it is unlikely he will be able to see for many years in the UK otherwise

Best answers:

  • Apparently not, there's an assault ship, a frigate and a replenishment ship.
  • Thank you so much. Save me a trip, off to the museum instead!
  • Been to the Fleet Museum? One of the first and possibly only surviving aircraft carrier.
    Dont expect a huge monster though its only 58 feet long.. And planes had to crash into the sea on return. Would be an interesting story and experience maybe.
    oops linky... https://www.westerngazette.co.uk/Some...ail/story.html
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