21 May 2015

A question about : Please sign this petition!



While I see it as an issue for some people, it's an abuse of what is a good thing.

Best answers:

  • I opened the link expecting to see a petition about some overblown issue that isn't really important to anyone but, boy, was I wrong.
    I must admit to being a little biased because of my own personal experiences though...it has happened to me, on more than one occasion and needs to be stopped. How many more innocent people need to be the victims of this kind of deception before we say, enough is enough?
    A casserole dish with a lid is not, and never will be, a pie.
  • Oh, heck! Choose your battles!
  • While agreeing with the premise of the petition there are far more important things for government to worry about.
  • I think that a top crust pie is a pie. Sometimes you don't want a soggy bottom, especially if it is a meat pie with gravy.
  • Signed this a while back and I whole heartily support this petition and what it stands for!!
  • I have seen in a pub on the menu beef casserole with puff pastry lid.
  • Round our way every now again they make a large pie. VERY large. (I believe the last one, in 2000, weighed 12 tons.) But is it a pie? Underneath the huge pastry covering (which is thrown away) are loads of plastic containers containing meat stew, which is served to customers along with a separate bit of pastry.
    I don't think the Trade Descriptions people have noticed yet.
    I could start a petition about it but I don't think it would make me very popular locally.
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